#23 Michigan State
Enjoy it while it lasts boys! We've got Wisconsin next Saturday.

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
College Football
Miami def. Texas A&M
USC def. Washington St
LSU def. S. Carolina
Penn State def. U-M
MSU def. Notre Dame in a game that will be embarrasingly close
Georgia def. Alabama
Eagles def. Lions
Colts def. Texans
Saints def. Titans
Bengals def. Seahawks
Rams def. Bucs
-I'm taking a poll... who realized the NHL preseason began this week? I was shocked when I heard a Blue Jackets game on the radio
-The Falcons getting rid of Schaub has turned into the worst off season move
-Is anyone else sick of seeing the Yankees field their AAA team in April and May, only to come back and win the division in August and September? (which will happen, I promise you)
-How many SEC teams could defeat the best Big 10 team in a 5 game series? My count is 6 (Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, LSU, Kentucky, and Arkansas).
Miami def. Texas A&M
USC def. Washington St
LSU def. S. Carolina
Penn State def. U-M
MSU def. Notre Dame in a game that will be embarrasingly close
Georgia def. Alabama
Eagles def. Lions
Colts def. Texans
Saints def. Titans
Bengals def. Seahawks
Rams def. Bucs
-I'm taking a poll... who realized the NHL preseason began this week? I was shocked when I heard a Blue Jackets game on the radio
-The Falcons getting rid of Schaub has turned into the worst off season move
-Is anyone else sick of seeing the Yankees field their AAA team in April and May, only to come back and win the division in August and September? (which will happen, I promise you)
-How many SEC teams could defeat the best Big 10 team in a 5 game series? My count is 6 (Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, LSU, Kentucky, and Arkansas).
Friday, September 14, 2007
Sports Weekend
MSU vs. Pitt
Red Sox vs. Yankees
U-M vs. Notre Dame
Shit, even USC vs. Nebraska and Shock vs. Mercury
As you can tell, I'm excited for the sports on TV this weekend.
Here's my predictions:
MSU, Sox take 2 of 3, U-M big, USC, and Shock win title number 3.
Red Sox vs. Yankees
U-M vs. Notre Dame
Shit, even USC vs. Nebraska and Shock vs. Mercury
As you can tell, I'm excited for the sports on TV this weekend.
Here's my predictions:
MSU, Sox take 2 of 3, U-M big, USC, and Shock win title number 3.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
OH how I hate....
A few years ago I created a "OH how I hate Ohio State" cheer. Or maybe I heard it from somewhere, stole it, and forgot where it came. Anyway, it is perfect because Ohioans love that their state begins with OH. After becoming immersed in the OSU culture (which is the culture of 90% of Ohio), I have admired their team pride to the point where I am even a little jealous. They even played "Hang on Sloopy" at the Indians game, which is 2 hours away from campus.
As MSU grads, we have a pretty similar distaste for U-M. However, I haven't enjoyed U-M's recent downfall. It's not fun to see them lose on New Year's and it is sad to watch the final nails put into Lloyd Carr's career. I have that "nobody picks on my brother" attitude with U-M. Their loss to App State and ass kicking from Oregon makes the Big 10 look terrible (Northwestern v. Northeastern... quality football you can ONLY watch on the Big Ten Network!)
Most OSU fans, however, revel in the losses. I would say local tv and radio spends 60% of their college football coverage on U-M's downfall and 40% on OSU. It's as if they are saying "hey, we know we're going to face our own reality vs. Washington this week, but look how bad U-M is doing!" I saw a series of OSU sports drawings in Kroger... one of them was a crowd of OSU fans at a game with 2 sad looking U-M fans in the middle. The glory they take in U-M's misfortunes is pathetic. It makes me feel they envy U-M and the whole state of Michigan and seeing U-M lose gives them more self-worth.
I also heard this week a story about how cops pick up U-M fans who may have decided to spend the night in their car and allow them to sleep in a private jail cell instead so they can avoid people who roam the streets looking for cars with Michigan plates to damage. I know the story sounds like a joke, but the person was serious.
I had my mind made up until I spoke with one of my teachers. He has been teaching at OSU for years and he just had his 20 year anniversary with us. (Side note: Do the math... the guy started teaching with us when I was 4. And I'm his boss! It makes me feel like Topher Grace in the movie "In Good Company". I love it.) I asked him today if the fans at the Horseshoe went crazy over the U-M's loss. He said the OSU game was over before U-M's historic App State loss, but that he wasn't happy to see it. Then he began to compare U-M to a brother, and I realized not every OSU fan was envious.
As MSU grads, we have a pretty similar distaste for U-M. However, I haven't enjoyed U-M's recent downfall. It's not fun to see them lose on New Year's and it is sad to watch the final nails put into Lloyd Carr's career. I have that "nobody picks on my brother" attitude with U-M. Their loss to App State and ass kicking from Oregon makes the Big 10 look terrible (Northwestern v. Northeastern... quality football you can ONLY watch on the Big Ten Network!)
Most OSU fans, however, revel in the losses. I would say local tv and radio spends 60% of their college football coverage on U-M's downfall and 40% on OSU. It's as if they are saying "hey, we know we're going to face our own reality vs. Washington this week, but look how bad U-M is doing!" I saw a series of OSU sports drawings in Kroger... one of them was a crowd of OSU fans at a game with 2 sad looking U-M fans in the middle. The glory they take in U-M's misfortunes is pathetic. It makes me feel they envy U-M and the whole state of Michigan and seeing U-M lose gives them more self-worth.
I also heard this week a story about how cops pick up U-M fans who may have decided to spend the night in their car and allow them to sleep in a private jail cell instead so they can avoid people who roam the streets looking for cars with Michigan plates to damage. I know the story sounds like a joke, but the person was serious.
I had my mind made up until I spoke with one of my teachers. He has been teaching at OSU for years and he just had his 20 year anniversary with us. (Side note: Do the math... the guy started teaching with us when I was 4. And I'm his boss! It makes me feel like Topher Grace in the movie "In Good Company". I love it.) I asked him today if the fans at the Horseshoe went crazy over the U-M's loss. He said the OSU game was over before U-M's historic App State loss, but that he wasn't happy to see it. Then he began to compare U-M to a brother, and I realized not every OSU fan was envious.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Big Ten Network
As I have said before, I love my monopoly-on-most-of-Ohio cable company, Time Warner Cable. We get perfect reception on each one of the nearly 70 channels we receive and it costs just over $70 with internet. (Side note: writing that last sentence made me have one of those really weird, "oh yeah, I live in Ohio." moments. I still am not used to it. Continue...) There has been a pretty entertaining battle lately in the media between my media conglomerate and the Big Ten Network. However, as I sit here on a Saturday afternoon with the option of watching West Virginia/Marshall, Oklahoma/Miami, or Nebraska/Wake Forest, I am pissed. Here's the problem.
The Big Ten Network is charging cable companies $1.10 per customer for rights. (They are charging a ridiculous $.10 per customer in non-Big 10 states). If everyone did this, Time Warner would have to pay $77 to all of my networks for me to watch them.
They vowed that the price is worth it because they are bringing loads of content to Big 10 Fans. Their website claims:
"...the Big Ten Network will feature shows produced by students from Big Ten Universities that will showcase academic breakthroughs, honored alumni, current students, renowned faculty, as well as the academic challenges to name a few."
A) It doesn't. #2) If it does eventually, I don't give a shit and neither does anyone else. We don't need a channel that is a commercial for local universities.
Here is what they are actually showing today: 4 hours of a show called "Big 10 Tonight", 6 hours of a show called "Friday Night Tailgate", 4 hours of a pregame show, postgame show, and evening wrap up, 2 hours of the 1999 Minnesota/Penn State game, and an impressive 7 football games. However, if you have the station on basic cable... you only end up getting to watch 2 football games on a football Saturday! The network doesn't add any more value than the ESPN/ESPN2/ABC Regional coverage. The scary thing is that they will be carrying 8 MSU basketball games, almost guaranteeing that I won't be able to watch any MSU games this year.
Cable companies have been extremely resistant because they know the Big 10 Network doesn't add value and is charging a ridiculous fee. While their negotiations are failing miserable, they decided to step up their ads. Their current commercials feature different Big 10 coaches making statements like "True Buckeye fans deserve the Big 10 Network." The league has grown too greedy and is forcing their coaches to make asses of themselves.
The Big Ten Network is charging cable companies $1.10 per customer for rights. (They are charging a ridiculous $.10 per customer in non-Big 10 states). If everyone did this, Time Warner would have to pay $77 to all of my networks for me to watch them.
They vowed that the price is worth it because they are bringing loads of content to Big 10 Fans. Their website claims:
"...the Big Ten Network will feature shows produced by students from Big Ten Universities that will showcase academic breakthroughs, honored alumni, current students, renowned faculty, as well as the academic challenges to name a few."
A) It doesn't. #2) If it does eventually, I don't give a shit and neither does anyone else. We don't need a channel that is a commercial for local universities.
Here is what they are actually showing today: 4 hours of a show called "Big 10 Tonight", 6 hours of a show called "Friday Night Tailgate", 4 hours of a pregame show, postgame show, and evening wrap up, 2 hours of the 1999 Minnesota/Penn State game, and an impressive 7 football games. However, if you have the station on basic cable... you only end up getting to watch 2 football games on a football Saturday! The network doesn't add any more value than the ESPN/ESPN2/ABC Regional coverage. The scary thing is that they will be carrying 8 MSU basketball games, almost guaranteeing that I won't be able to watch any MSU games this year.
Cable companies have been extremely resistant because they know the Big 10 Network doesn't add value and is charging a ridiculous fee. While their negotiations are failing miserable, they decided to step up their ads. Their current commercials feature different Big 10 coaches making statements like "True Buckeye fans deserve the Big 10 Network." The league has grown too greedy and is forcing their coaches to make asses of themselves.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Cleveland Rocks
Before I dive into my weekend Cleveland trip, I feel it is necessary to discuss college football because I can't believe that you, Mike, both love the NFL (your favorite sport, I believe you have said in the past) and like college football the least. Here's my top 5 things that I love about college football (in no particular order).
The upsets. Appalachian State was paid $400,000 to come destroy Michigan's season and put the first nail in Lloyd (not David) Carr's career at U-M. While that loss was the first time Even if the Raiders beat the Colts, you would forget about it by the next day.
One and done. Michigan's national title hopes are over. Every game matters and they proved it this weekend.
The pagentry. Every school has goofy traditions and peculiar trophies to play for. Just another thing to add to the excitement.
The different offenses and trick plays. The plays Boise State pulled out were ridiculous. Even more ridiculous was that they worked perfectly. Besides what Michael Vick used to do on the field, one NFL offense doesn't look too different from the other.
Rivalries. I had to hear my boss play a song called "we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio" If you have never heard it, enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx5TVBf6cWM (Ignore the added Gwen Stefani beat) This song is another example of how I both love the area's passion and hate the fact that it's against me.
Ok, now that's off my chest, the Tigers season is over. I am sad to say it, but I had the opportunity to travel to enemy territory this weekend and see the Indians in action. Here's why you should start looking forward to next year:
-The Indians only have one starter that's hitting over .300 They also have nobody that is hitting under .255 They are vastly consistent from the top of the lineup to the bottom. Detroit's problem is that they are the exact opposite. Maggs is having an MVP caliber season. The Tigers also have a few guys that aren't pulling their own weight (Inge is hitting .234 and Pudge is a liability).
-They don't really have any holes in their pitching staff. Again, nobody is going to really blow you away, but nobody is going to give up a game the way Todd Jones can. Plus, the Tigers have had way too many injuries, forcing them to start 11 different guys this year, only 3 of whom have started over 20 games (If you're counting at home, the Indians have started 8; half of whom have made 20+ starts.) It's difficult if you can't get your staff into a consistent groove.
-The way both teams look right now, turning around those 6 games looks insurmountable. Catching up to the wild card lead is a little more realistic, but I wouldn't bet against the Yankees.
I'll leave you with my impressions of Jacobs Field compared to the other stadiums I've visisted:
-They have a really cool looking 3 story restaurant off the third base side
-There is an amazing LED board that spans almost all of left field
-The scoreboard has a giant LED screen that they only fully utilized during the player intros, which were awesome. Except for the fact that they played Dropkick Murphy's "Shipping off to Boston" - a great song, but didn't make sense in the context
-The city skyline beyond the outfield was disappointing. They should've put the stadium next to the Browns' off Lake Erie
-They did a great job of positioning the upper deck close to home plate so you could feel close to the game
-The loudest crowd pop was for Kenny Lofton
Overall, I would rank the stadiums I've been to:
PNC Park (Pittsburgh) - Great view of the city, can bring outside food in
Fenway - Historic
Camden - Crab cakes, tvs under the upperdeck overhang were very useful during rain delay
CoPa - Giant tigers, GM Fountain
Jacobs Field - see above
Citizens Bank (Philly) - Amazing cheesesteaks, neon liberty bell sign swung for HRs
I'll leave Skydome and Comisky off the list since it was so long ago that I visited them. Next up will be Great American Ballpark in Cinci next year.
The upsets. Appalachian State was paid $400,000 to come destroy Michigan's season and put the first nail in Lloyd (not David) Carr's career at U-M. While that loss was the first time Even if the Raiders beat the Colts, you would forget about it by the next day.
One and done. Michigan's national title hopes are over. Every game matters and they proved it this weekend.
The pagentry. Every school has goofy traditions and peculiar trophies to play for. Just another thing to add to the excitement.
The different offenses and trick plays. The plays Boise State pulled out were ridiculous. Even more ridiculous was that they worked perfectly. Besides what Michael Vick used to do on the field, one NFL offense doesn't look too different from the other.
Rivalries. I had to hear my boss play a song called "we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio" If you have never heard it, enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx5TVBf6cWM (Ignore the added Gwen Stefani beat) This song is another example of how I both love the area's passion and hate the fact that it's against me.
Ok, now that's off my chest, the Tigers season is over. I am sad to say it, but I had the opportunity to travel to enemy territory this weekend and see the Indians in action. Here's why you should start looking forward to next year:
-The Indians only have one starter that's hitting over .300 They also have nobody that is hitting under .255 They are vastly consistent from the top of the lineup to the bottom. Detroit's problem is that they are the exact opposite. Maggs is having an MVP caliber season. The Tigers also have a few guys that aren't pulling their own weight (Inge is hitting .234 and Pudge is a liability).
-They don't really have any holes in their pitching staff. Again, nobody is going to really blow you away, but nobody is going to give up a game the way Todd Jones can. Plus, the Tigers have had way too many injuries, forcing them to start 11 different guys this year, only 3 of whom have started over 20 games (If you're counting at home, the Indians have started 8; half of whom have made 20+ starts.) It's difficult if you can't get your staff into a consistent groove.
-The way both teams look right now, turning around those 6 games looks insurmountable. Catching up to the wild card lead is a little more realistic, but I wouldn't bet against the Yankees.
I'll leave you with my impressions of Jacobs Field compared to the other stadiums I've visisted:
-They have a really cool looking 3 story restaurant off the third base side
-There is an amazing LED board that spans almost all of left field
-The scoreboard has a giant LED screen that they only fully utilized during the player intros, which were awesome. Except for the fact that they played Dropkick Murphy's "Shipping off to Boston" - a great song, but didn't make sense in the context
-The city skyline beyond the outfield was disappointing. They should've put the stadium next to the Browns' off Lake Erie
-They did a great job of positioning the upper deck close to home plate so you could feel close to the game
-The loudest crowd pop was for Kenny Lofton
Overall, I would rank the stadiums I've been to:
PNC Park (Pittsburgh) - Great view of the city, can bring outside food in
Fenway - Historic
Camden - Crab cakes, tvs under the upperdeck overhang were very useful during rain delay
CoPa - Giant tigers, GM Fountain
Jacobs Field - see above
Citizens Bank (Philly) - Amazing cheesesteaks, neon liberty bell sign swung for HRs
I'll leave Skydome and Comisky off the list since it was so long ago that I visited them. Next up will be Great American Ballpark in Cinci next year.
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