
Sunday, July 12, 2009

My current thought process

It has been about a month, so I thought it would be fun to get out every random thing that is on my mind.

Since we all make a field day about complaining about ESPN's faults, I compiled a list to vote on what truly ruins watching ESPN - and presented it in an overused playoff bracket! Vote Now!
1. Brett Farve's 4 year retirement tour
One can become sick of updates from Dr. James Andrews and Minnesota's pathetic desparation for him to become a Viking. Did they see the second half of his 2008 season??
8. Twitter updates
The media's reliance on twitter only helps it become more established. Using celebrities' posts as reaction to Steve McNair's death demonstrates their laziness in journalism... or is this just the "new" form of journalism??

2. Steroids in baseball
With the 100+ names on the 2003 list of failed drug tests, we have fuel for this story for the next 10 years. Steroids in football? Who cares. Manny takes estrogen? Let's follow it for 2 months!
7. ESPN becomes THE story
With the Sports Reporters, E:60, Around the Horn, and PTI, ESPN has often shoved their personalities into the sports spotlight. As a result, we have to watch Skip Bayless (who has never actually seen a sporting event in his life) for 3 hours a day. Plus, they shove Stuart Scott and Chris Berman down our throats.

3. BCS Backlash
We know that every year there will be dissention over who is #1 and #2; some more than others. With MSU rising in success, I fear that one year we will be able to put together a miracle season and will be brushed aside for Oklahoma to get clobbered in the National Championship game (OU is the new OSU). With contractual obligations tying up the system for the next few years, do we have to lament on teams that got screwed each year?
6. Who's Now
When the summer sports season gets boring, they invent a new ranking system or poll. Using "who cares" categories like "most commercial endorsements" and "salary", they try to fill a month of SportsCenter airwaves. Playoff voting systems are so uninventive.

4. (Insert WR Here)'s latest antics
Chad Johnson learned to count in Spanish, Plaxico shot himself, Hank Baskett married a famous stripper (and guaranteed upped his fantasy football draft stock as a result). These days, TO seems like a boy scout.
5. The Ticker
Sports updates... on a channel that provides you with sports updates. Excited to learn about the result of the game from the :30 highlight reel? Just look down and find out the Tigers lost! The ESPNNews tickers are the ADD playground - news video, reports on the side AND bottom of the screen!

In defense of ESPN, I present the best things about the network (in no particular order):
Erin Andrews
Bill Simmons' podcasts, mailbags, and chats
College (football) Gameday
Outside the Lines
Instant Classics
The Ombudsman - they hire someone to call themselves out!

If you run a humidifier and a dehumidifier in a room together and shut the door, what is the end result? I get that a humidifier helps your congestion when you're sick and a dehumidifier protects your basement from mildew, but which is more powerful?

One of the best shows you've probably never seen before is "30 Days". It's hosted by Morgan Spurlock, the guy from Supersize Me, and is based on a similar premesis. People spend 30 days living a life that is completely opposite of their own in some facet. I netflixed it and was impressed with the first 3 episodes. They followed an IT programmer whose job was outsourced on a trip to India, a border Minuteman Guard living with a family of illegal immigrants, and an atheist woman living with a devout christian family. For the most part, the subjects were open-minded and the participants left the experience a little more enlightened about the other side. In each hour long episode, the show did a good job of digging into the issues revolving around each conflict. I thought the India episode was really insightful because it presented the culture clash that is occurring with more women wanting to enter the workplace. It also portrayed the widening economic gap that is being created by an influx of corporations and the sometimes violent outlashes that come from their large poor population.

New Homeowner Lesson #12938 - Being able to tell the difference between grass seed and grass fertilizer is key. Spreading the latter in lieu of the former will scorch your lawn.

One of the most difficult things to cope with the loss of a loved one is running over old e-mails from them. It is such a false feeling because it is communication that lives on. You feel like they are still communicating with you, but in reality they are just words. It is tempting to dig through them because it makes them seem more alive, but that can be damaging as well. Deleting them is too hard because you feel like you should hold on to something from them. It is really hard to explain. ...seeing the Mii you created for them show up in Mario Kart is just uncomfortable.

Prediction for Home Run Derby:
2nd Round: Gonzalez, Howard, Mauer, Pujols
3rd Round: Gonzalez, Howard
Champion: Gonzalez

I got my Ohio drivers license this weekend and it still looks weird to me. I feel like I have lost the last piece of Michigan in me.