
Thursday, September 20, 2007


College Football
Miami def. Texas A&M
USC def. Washington St
LSU def. S. Carolina
Penn State def. U-M
MSU def. Notre Dame in a game that will be embarrasingly close
Georgia def. Alabama

Eagles def. Lions
Colts def. Texans
Saints def. Titans
Bengals def. Seahawks
Rams def. Bucs

-I'm taking a poll... who realized the NHL preseason began this week? I was shocked when I heard a Blue Jackets game on the radio
-The Falcons getting rid of Schaub has turned into the worst off season move
-Is anyone else sick of seeing the Yankees field their AAA team in April and May, only to come back and win the division in August and September? (which will happen, I promise you)
-How many SEC teams could defeat the best Big 10 team in a 5 game series? My count is 6 (Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, LSU, Kentucky, and Arkansas).


Mikey D said...

Texas A&M def. Miamia
USC def. Washington St.
LSU def. S. Carolina
U-M def. Penn State
MSU def. Notre Dame
Alabama def. Georgia

Agree with all.

~I realized the NHL preseason started this morning when I saw scores on the ticker.
~If the Falcons had known Vick was going to be out, they'd never have pulled the trade. It's turned into a bad move just because Vick is out, not because the Falcons made a bad decision. The worst move has to be Jason David of the Saints. Wayne/Harrison burn him for 3 TDs, and then Galloway goes 150 and 2 TDs on him. 5 TDs and 300 yds given up? Yikes.
~I'm disgusted seeing the Yankees win anything. Even if it's a "meaningless" regular season game in June.
~I'll give you two, LSU and Florida. I'm not sold on the SEC. Yeah all those teams you listed are off to good starts, but it's only been three games. I'd take Penn State and OSU over S.C., Alabama, Kentucky, and Arkansas.

Kevin said...

The Eagles are playing just as terrible as the Lions. I'm calling the Lions.
And I'm also calling the Titans to beat the Saints. (With Vince Young scoring 5 TD's. I need it for my fantasy team)

Other than that, I agree with the picks.

I watched some of the Detroit-Minnesota game. I don't get too excited about the NHL until the playoffs.

Moving Schaub was the worst move of the offseason. It's not the Falcon's fault, but it was still the worst move. Jason David is a close second, but the QB is more valuable to a team than a CB, and is more responsible for the win/loss.
But does that make Shaub to the Texans the best offseaon move?
Better than Moss to the Patriots?
What was the best offseason move?

Fuck the Yankees, fuck the Indians, and double fuck the Tigers. I hate baseball right now.

The think Penn State would beat Kentucky and S.C. Penn State would take both Arkansas and Alabama into overtime in game 5, but I give both teams a SLIGHT edge over the Nittany Lions. LSU and Florida both win in three.

Adam said...

On one side, Moss to the Pats is the best move because his stats have jumped dramatically. On the other, Wes Welker and Donte Stallworth would have provided almost the same result in revitalizing the Pats pass offense. Which reminds me, what happened to Stallworth? Did anyone else's fantasy value drop more from last season, excluding that guy from Atlanta?

Mikey D said...

I can't disagree with you guys more.

If you're going to argue that Falcons trading Schaub was the worst off-season move and in the same breath say that Moss might have been the best, then your logic doesn't make sense! You are ripping the Falcons based on Shaubs performance now and their need for a QB now, so why aren't you discussing the Raiders moving Moss as the worst trade of the off-season?

And do you really think Schaub would be putting up the numbers he has now with Atlanta? Doubt it. Frankly, I'd like to see what he does without Andre Johnson. I feel like that's going to be like Delhomme without Smith- ugly.

Look at the numbers as well! Shaub has 400 yards passing and 3 TDs. Jason David has given up 300+ and 5 TDs. As much as Matt Schaub has helped his team (and made the Falcons look bad), Jason David has hurt it.

And you can argue that playing QB is more important, but I will tell you that giving up two and a half touchdowns a game (on average) to your opponent has a greater affect on the game. That forces your entire team to abandon your game plan because you're playing from behind. So while QBs run the show, corners can change what type of show that QB runs, which is exactly what Jason David has done (and he needs to stop because he's killing Drew Brees for me in fantasy).

And here's a what-if scenario: Jason David plays with Matt Schaub and the Texans. Now automatically give the other team a two and a half touchdown lead, and see how Schaub would respond. I doubt it'd be with a 2-0 record for his team.

Close second? It's not even a close anything. Jason David is the worst move of the offseason.

Mikey D said...

I'm not done.

And how can you fault the Falcons for trading away their backup QB for a first and second round pick? They made the move any GM would have made and because of unforseen circumstances now made the worst move? It's like a guy that drives the same route to work and one morning gets into a fifteen car pile-up. Do we say, "man, that was a terrible choice on his part to drive that route to work." NO! We say that was a little bit of bad luck, but we're not going to blame him for taking his normal route to work!

Also, think of it this way: What did Matt Schaub do for Atlanta? Nothing. What is Matt Schaub doing for Atlanta now? Nothing. Can it really even be considered a bad move on Atlanta's part if he was doing nothing for them before? Especially since they had an all-pro QB at his spot already?
Same for Randy Moss. What did he do in Oakland? Nothing. If a team isn't getting anything out of that player, isn't moving them for picks and the such a better move, since they're getting something out of him???

The Falcons trading Schaub was like getting into an unforseen accident that was not their fault. The Saints getting Jason David was like paying a high-priced hooker too much and getting HIV.

Adam said...

Randy Moss' increased production is ONLY due to the fact that he is on a contender. He has a history of not playing for bad teams. If he was still on the Raiders, he would have the same season he had last year.

I agree Jason David was the worst acquisition in the offseason. Letting Schaub go was the worst decision since it was followed by the signing of Joey Harrington. And since my memory is shit, did they trade Schaub before or after the very first time we heard about the possibility that Vick was fighting dogs?

Your argument was really starting to convince me until you said the Schaub situation was a bit of bad luck. Did people KNOW Jason David was going to be terrible? I didn't think that was the case, so wouldn't that be bad luck too?

Adam said...

By the way, I need to make a decision this weekend whether I am now also a Cleveland Browns fan or a Cincinnati Bengals fan since I will only get to see one Lions game this season (Thanksgiving). Bengals would be the obvious choice because they have more exciting players, they put up a lot of points, and they usually win more games. But I've been to Cleveland, so I have a little more of a tie to the city. Plus, I feel like they have more history than the Bengals. And as a Lions fan, I can relate to their fans after 3-13 seasons. I'm taking a poll... which should it be?

Mikey D said...

Hold up. The Schaub situation was bad luck in the fact that they didn't know Vick was going to be out, not because they traded him away and because he became awesome.

The Jason David signing was bad in the sense that he was supposed to be good and he wasn't. Schaub's move was bad luck in the sense that he was traded before the unforseen circumstances with Michael Vick. And yes, the trade was made before the whole Vick fiasco. If the Falcons knew now what they knew then, they wouldn't have pulled the trigger.

Basically, the Saints made a bad move because the they thought David was good, while the Falcons made a move THAT WASN'T BAD, because they thought Vick was on their team. It was an unfortunate circumstance (the bad luck) that makes the trade look bad. Like the guy getting into an accident on the way to work. You can't fault him! Just bad luck. The Saints had a complete misevaluation of talent (Indy let him go without a fight!), which in my eyes has nothing do with luck, but rather poor management/scouting. Hence my pick for the worst offseason move.

I really think the Falcons knew what they were giving away. Some in Atlanta even wanted Schaub starting last year! The fact is that Houston offered a first and second round pick, and that's a lot to turn away. I mean, put yourself in a GMs shoes. Wouldn't you trade away your back-up QB for a first and second round pick, if you already had a playmaking all-pro like Vick at the helm? I would.

If you want to break it down into signings and acquistions, I'll argue further with you and say that the Randy Moss trade was worse than the Schaub because at least Atlanta got some value back. Remember, Atlanta didn't "let Schaub go", they got something in return!!!


You should be a Browns fan because they're the closes thing to the Lions right now. Plus you can be a giant Brady Quinn fan and play Enrique Inglesias' 'Hero' without looking like a complete homo.

And the Browns just beat the Bengals. You have bragging rights right now.

I've am much more of Redskins fan than a Ravens fan down here. I find myself listening to the sports talk for the Redskins more than the Ravens. I think it's mostly because I was a Skins fan before I moved to Michigan, so there's some attatchment.

Kevin said...

I know I'm way behind in the arguement here, but I need to add my two cents.

First, I don't fault the Falcons at all for trading Schaub. I would have done the same thing if I were them. But it turned out to be the worst move of the offseason.
In my mind, losing Matt Schaub is more of a reason the Falcons are 0-2 than the Saints being 0-2 because of signing Jason David.

And automatically give the other team a two touchdow lead? You mean like, say, being down 0-14 to the Panthers? No way Schaub could come back from that =)

As for Randy Moss, the Raiders were absolutely right to get rid of hime. He was killing the lockeroom, and half-assing it on the field. I am positieve he would be doing the same if he were still in Oakland.

As for Cleveland vs. Cincinnati: It would be hard for me to root for Cleveland while I'm simultaneously matching up my fantasy guys against their defense every week. It killed me that I was rooting for Peterson to score on the Lions. If you aren't attatched to either team, I vote for Cinci because of the fantasy football factor.

Mikey D said...

As far as the Panthers imagine if Jason David was covering Steve Smith...yikes, it could have been worse...

Kev, tell me the kind of support the Falcons have right now? Tell me how they would have done better with Shaub going on the road against Minnesota (who's tough...especially at home, where they stop the run and force you to pass. But who can Atlanta throw to?) and then on the road against Jacksonville (who's tough at home...especially after coming off a loss). Meanwhile Schaub gets cake at home (Kansas City) and Carolina, who has shown that they are vulnerable through the air. Sorry, but Schaub has had more favorable match-ups, the better receiving corps, and stronger support around him. I can't fault Joey. The fact that he's thrown for as many yards as Schaub is actually quite impressive in my book.

And again, I think you're wrong about David. Look what has happened in both of the Saint games. Because David has been burned early and often, his teams have been playing behind. It's not like he's giving up garbage time touchdowns! These are TDs that have put his team DOWN! When you play from behind, you are essentially scrapping the game plan. What's wrong with the Saints offense pleople keep asking. It's the fact they're down 20 points early and teams know they're going to throw! And all that is because of Jason David.
Go look at the highlights! Look who gets torched!

As far as Moss goes, I can see where you're coming from, but the fact remains Oakland didn't get anything for him. New England got an all-pro talent for essentially nothing. Attitude aside, you don't think somebody in that Oakland organization said, "hey, this Moss guy can still play, we should probably hold out for a little more." I mean the Dolphins got a second round pick from the Patriots for Wes Welker! Like I said, Moss did nothing for Oakland then, and he's doing nothing for them now, just like Schaub was for Atlanta. But at least Atlanta got something in return.

Kevin said...

If Schaub was quarterbacking the Falcons, he would have given a short, yet very inspiring, pre-game speech. This speech would have so inspired Warrick Dunn that he would have ran for a 78 yard touchdown on the Falcon's first possesion.

Mikey D said...

And then they would have lost 24-10 instead of 24-3.

I forgot that Schaub was known for his pregame pep talks. I have to admitt, I've never seen Ahman Green so pumped to play football. Man, I bet he'd be a great fantasy catch right now...wanna grab him up Kev? =)

Adam said...

Miami def. Texas A&M (check)
USC def. Washington St (check)
LSU def. S. Carolina (check)
Penn State def. U-M (wrong... I am surprised I made this pick. Sat. morning I thought U-M would win)
MSU def. Notre Dame in a game that will be embarrasingly close (check, but game wasn't close, thankfully)
Georgia def. Alabama (check)

Mikey D said...

It was a weird feeling, wasn't it? Even though Penn State was 10th in the country, you just had a feeling U of M was going to beat them...

And I'm glad we spanked Notre Dame. A close game would have been just like a loss in my eyes. We're far superior than that football team.