
Friday, September 14, 2007

Sports Weekend

MSU vs. Pitt
Red Sox vs. Yankees
U-M vs. Notre Dame
Shit, even USC vs. Nebraska and Shock vs. Mercury

As you can tell, I'm excited for the sports on TV this weekend.

Here's my predictions:
MSU, Sox take 2 of 3, U-M big, USC, and Shock win title number 3.


Mikey D said...

MSU, Yankees take 2 of 3 (easy to say with one in the bag), U-M by 13, USC HUGE, and Mercury wins its first.

Mikey D said...

MSU. Check.
Yanks 2 of 3. Unfortunately, Check.
U of M. Check. (not by 13 though)
USC. Checkaroo.
Mercury. Check check.

Cash money.