
Sunday, October 14, 2007

College Football

Before the season started, I made fun of Jesse "The Bachelor" Palmer for saying that he was excited for different team's chances at the National Championship, including South Florida. I called him a douche bag and I haven't seen him on ESPN since. So far they have beaten West Virginia and Auburn and later today, they will likely be announced as the #3 team in the country. Palmer is still a douche bag.

When I saw that Cal had lost, following LSU's loss earlier, I realized Ohio State was the number one team in the country. Then I got a huge grin on my face because I am convinced we will upset them next weekend. Here's why:
1. In 1998, OSU was favored to beat MSU by 24 at home. They beat every other team by at least 10 points. MSU ended up winning 28-24 in OSU's only loss of the season.
2. Dantonio is a Tressel protege'. He is going to have his team playing up for this game like you wouldn't believe.
3. The number one team has lost the past 2 weeks and this season has been full of upsets.
4. Nobody is giving us a chance. The media and the fans are looking past MSU; the team could too. Their schedule after MSU is Penn St, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan. On the news this morning, they started to discuss the National Championship game and listed the obstacles in their way - MSU wasn't one of them.
5. We're the number 15th ranked offense and 36th ranked defense in the country.

Then I came back to reality and realized why we will lose.
1. It's not 1998 anymore. Tressel is going to be drilling that into the players' heads this week.
2. Dantonio was also aware of MSU's history of losing the game after a big game and said he was going to have his players ready for that one. Fuck Northwestern.
3. The other upsets are going to have no effect on this game.
4. The players probably won't be looking past this game... see #1.
5. They're the number 1 ranked defense. Enough said.

Either way, win or lose, I am so freaking excited for next Saturday - MSU vs. OSU and a possible game 7 of the ALCS. Oh, and I guess I am kinda excited that you guys are coming to visit.


Kevin said...

OSU is a beatable team. We will have to play our best game of the season to win, but we definitely have a fighting chance.

Even if we don't win next weekend, I have no confidence that OSU will be able to run the table. I predict that the Buckeyes will finish the season with at least two losses.

Mikey D said...

Minny Spartans versus Ohio State, OSU has a slim chance.

Otherwise, 97-2 MSU.