
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Merry Thanksgiving Eve Eve

I seriously feel like it's Christmas because MSU is playing the #1 team in the country and I get to see it! Yes, it is only November, but I think this is MSU's best chance in the next at least the next 2, possibly 3 years. I can't wait to see our freshman trio before one of them leaves for the NBA (one of them will after their sophomore year, mark my word). But MSU will bounce back, just like America did after Pearl Harbor and 9/11! (Thanks Saban, you ignorant jackass.) The class of 2009 has a lot of highly ranked players in the midwest and most are considering MSU. I pay a little attention to recruiting and the one thing I can't understand is why so many kids across the country consider OSU. Their program used to be mediocre but when Thad Matta steps through the door, every kid in the country wants to be a Buckeye. I am still trying to find the secret OSU Hummer dealership and Team VIP strip club. Case in point: three of the Top 10 recruits for the class of 2010 are already committed to OSU. Ok, time to stop discussing 16 year olds. Did anyone else hear Master P's son, Lil' Romeo committed to USC? Make em say Uggh!

So here's my initial thoughts on MSU. I really like how they look defensively (which is easy to say being that they haven't given up a point in the first 5 minutes). Their positioning is great - they look like they have the cohesiveness of a Jan./Feb. team on defense. Naymick is a complete liability on defense, though. Offensively, they have some work to do. They get a little bit of a pass since their leader has the stomach flu. They need to improve upon their passing when they get in their half court sets. Chris Allen has really had some flashes of greatness early on with the falling jumper and the turnaround layup. Raymar Morgan looks great on both ends of the court. I am still hoping to see Marquise Gray step up offensively and defensively. I don't know why the referees decided to be so much more conservative 5 minutes into the game. Does anyone know where Maurice Joseph wound up? We just passed the 10 minute mark in the first half, so I'm out.


Mikey D said...

Joseph transfered to U of V...University of Vermont.

Going to OSU is just the latest fad right now...seems to be a new hip school every five years that everyone wants to go to. I hate Ohio State, so I can't imagine why anybody would want to go there, even the little kids Thad has recruited. He must be violating some sort of child protection law, right?

Adam said...

"That stat will never happen again," Izzo said of the 22 offensive rebounds. "That's enough to make me sick."

Izzo even added that the stat was an insult to everyone who had played at Michigan State.

(from ESPN's game recap)

Most surprising stat: Durrell Summers: 20 min, 5 Reb, 2 Off Reb. Why did HE have the second most rebounds on our team?

Most misleading stat line: Goran Suton, 20 mins, 0 pts. He did finish with 4 rebs and 3 asst and was also by far the best at guarding Kevin Love.

How does Ibok get 5 fouls in 9 minutes?

Drew Naymick finished with 0 rebounds.

Kevin said...

"Izzo even added that the stat was an insult to everyone who had played at Michigan State."

I remember when we used to take immense pride in rebounding and defense. And I saw a glimpse of that in the first five minutes of the game. Love had a bloody nose, Westbrook hurt his knee being rejected by Ibok. (Obey the code!) We came out with no fear against a #1 ranked team and punched them right in the face. It was great.

But then the intensity slowly seemed to ebb away. Love started to get on track, the Bruins started hitting some shots, and everything started to go downhill.

If we can play a complete game the way we played the first five minutes, we will be unstoppable.