
Friday, March 28, 2008


I’m in a very weird mood right now. Let me paint a better picture. I’m supposed to be working on a project that is due today. Instead, I am sitting here facebook-stalking with a wine glass of champagne. Stacey and I were celebrating my recent raise and we dirtied the two champagne glasses we had, so I’m making due. I felt completely on top of my job until this week. My numbers for the year were really good, but nose-dived at the beginning of the week. Luckily, this didn’t affect my raise. It did kick me in the balls and bring me down a notch on the ego scale. This apathy is really going to hurt because I have a LOT to do this weekend. Taxes, cleaning the Grand Prix so I can drive it off a cliff, paying my car bill, etc. I think part of the reason why I’m in a weird mood is because I fell asleep on the couch last night and was awoken by some drunk asshole trying to open our door at 3am. Did I yell at him that this wasn’t his apartment and he should go away? No, I just watched him through the peephole like a scared little bitch and then stayed awake for 2 hours to watch Pros vs. Joes, Hogan Knows Best, Leno re-runs, the X-Effect (completely scripted piece of trash), and Girls Gone Wild infomercials. That lineup would lead you to go in for work on a sick day if it were on during the day, but is a masterpiece of entertainment at 3am.

I am crazy excited for the game tonight because I think MSU is going to win. Even though that probably means they won’t, it still is exciting. The hockey team starts their NCAA title defense at 10 as well, but you only get to see it if you are one of the 16 people in the country with ESPNU. Did I mention my mom is in the 99th percentile on ESPN right now? She has all of her Elite 8 teams alive.

Oh well… better force myself to get that project done…


Mikey D said...

Well, the basketball game probably didn't help your blah mood...

But yay hockey! 3-1!!!

Let's celebrate that =).

Kevin said...

I know how you feel.

Stop procrastinating? I will, I will. But I'm kinda tired right now, I'll do it later...

Not only have I tried to open the wrong door, but I have actually opened the door and walked in to the wrong dorm room and the wrong apartment. So if it were me, I would cut the guy some slack.

Adam said...

But he tried opening my door for 10 MINUTES!!! Oops, turning the knob didn't open the door, let me try again... no, that didn't work, let me try doing it harder... no, that didn't work, maybe now it will... guess not, let me try one more time

Mikey D said...

And you didn't say anything!?!?