
Monday, May 26, 2008

Bad Things Happen When I'm Left Home Alone for 3 Days

Since Stacey's weekend is Wednesdays and Thursdays, I was home alone for most of Memorial Day weekend. It was pretty boring, but getting paid to sit around my apartment is much better than getting paid to go to work. Here's what I've come up with in my 3 days to myself.

On Lost, one of the characters is on parole. As part of her sentence, she is not allowed to leave the state of California. What are people on parole in the state of Delaware supposed to do? I've been there - there's not much. I know all about Upper and Slower Delaware (my aunt and uncle live in Slower). The state is only 30 mi (at it's largest length) by 96 mi. That's like a large jail cell.

While Stacey was painting her toenails, I let her paint two of mine (pink polish if you needed to know). I was in a weird mood and thought what the heck. This wasn't a problem until I went to Papa Johns and decided to be lazy and put on my sandals. As I sat there waiting for my pizza to be made (they had their printer turned off and so my online order didn't go through - that's another story) I noticed my mistake and quietly curled up my feet.

Among the absolute crap I watched this weekend, the worst was the 15 mins of Herbie Fully Loaded that was on the Disney channel. There is a long sad list of actors in it - Michael Keaton, Justin Long, Breckin Meyer (the main guy in Road Trip), Matt Dillon, and of course pre-rehab Lindsay Lohan. I'm sure they were all "just wanted to make a movie for their kids to see" - code word for "I needed the money". This is the part where I would rip apart how dumb the ending was, but I think that would make me look even worse.

"You should get a hobby" - Stacey. Yes, yes I should.


Mikey D said...






Okay, that's it. Out of the three of us, I am no longer the most girly. At no point in my girly existance have I gone that low!

Haha, and it sounds like you just need to play more Wii =).

Adam said...


Stacey painted my toenails pink.

Mikey D said...

Your toenails are pink, and that's all that really matters =).

Kevin said...

Sorry Mike, but you still hold the "most girly" title.

Mikey D said...

Ahhh fuck you.