
Saturday, August 02, 2008

Game Over

I woke up this morning and began perusing the news. Then I found an article that told me that the 2008 election is over and Barack Obama just won.

The article was titled "New McCain ad calls Obama 'The One'". I was curious about this, so I checked it out on youtube.

Surely that has to be a joke. I mean, yes, Barack Obama has been too preachy and McCain supporters will completely agree with the ad, but that will be a huge turnoff to undecided voters. The poor production quality and odd looking "paid for..." at the end made me think it was fake. Plus, don't they have to say "I'm John McCain and I approve this message" at the end? I was 90% sure it was a joke until I visited and saw it front and center on his website.

I feel like we're going to hear about the infamous 'The One' ad for months and that people will point to this as one of the final nails in John McCain's campaign. This is coming from someone who proudly displays a photo of himself near McCain at a 2000 rally and was upset I wasn't 12 months older so I could have voted for McCain in the primaries that year. I think that McCain is listening to too many strategists and selling himself out in search of the presidency this time around. Am I overreacting or did this ad just seal the election for Obama?


Mikey D said...

I think you might be overreacting just a little. Poor ad? For sure.

Advertising isn't what it used to be. It's less effective. It's harder to try to convince the public to buy a certain product, watch a certain event, or vote for a particular candidate. There are soooooo many mediums now that if you want information on something, you can get it yourself, and it's easier than ever to do.

I think 10+ years ago when information wasn't a finger-click away that might have been a very damaging ad for McCain, but people in America are so well connected that if they really want the "truth" about candidates they aren't going to put much stock into paid advertisements.

Now speaking as an undecided voter (which I am), it did not change my opinion about either candidate. So in essence it was an ineffective ad. I did laugh at the poor quality, however.

1 point for McCain for making me laugh.

Kevin said...

I agree with Mike. It was a terrible ad, but I doubt it will influence the campaign one way or another.

I will say this though, I have lost a lot of respect for both candidates in the last few months.

What I'm not liking about Obama is that he's supposed to be all about the "new" politics and changing everything, but he's looking more and more like any old politician. It started when the Clinton/Obama contest was getting heated, and it has just built and built.

Not that McCain has been any better. Jumping on the offensive against Obama with several attack ads only lowers McCain in my eyes.

A year ago, they were my two favorite politicians, but now, I hate both candidates. Aren't campaigns supposed to make me like the candidates more?