
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Allow me to reintroduce myself

"I can't wait until September is over" - Me, on the middle of August

"Wake me up when September ends." - that Green Day song

I was the happier going into work today than any other morning for the past month. Work is starting to settle down a little, so I have the energy to finish every post I've started for the past 3 weeks. And here they are - as random as I can be!

My TV Show Power Rankings
1. The Office - I am glad that they are willing to have Jim and Pam get engaged instead of stretching it out... for now
2. I Love Money - Best guilty pleasure since the Hills started, my money is on Hoopz
3. Lost - It's not even on until February and it's STILL good enough to make this list
4. Heroes - it's starting off ok, but there are too many characters
5. How I Met Your Mother - An episode about searching for a burger? Come on and DO SOMETHING
6. Jon & Kate Plus 8 - Stacey's favorite, it's growing on me
7. Biggest Loser - There was a couple named Stacey and Adam! And they got kicked off the first week
8. The Hills - I haven't watched too much, but the argument with Spencer and Heidi's mom was great - the show is completely scripted, though
9. Amazing Race - eh, same old same old
379. Dancing with the Stars - There is NOTHING that would make me watch that show

Interesting Numbers
2004: 47, 72
2005: 69, 71
2006: 83, 95
2007: 95, 88
2008: 138, 74

Take a second and think about what those numbers mean. You may have guessed it already, but the first number is the salary, in millions, of the Detroit Tigers. The second is the number of wins that season. Do you think the Tigers are gonna cut some payroll next year?? Finding this from the Detroit Free press made me think. Game plan for the Tigers' off-season

I agree, let's talk about how the Tigers can turn things around. Obviously, the biggest need begins with a P and rhymes with bitching. Here are my suggestions:

- Top priority: Closer Second priority: Starting pitcher
- Don't pick up the club option on Edgar Renteria (they accomplished this yesterday -I swear I wrote that sentence two weeks ago)
- Don't resign Kyle Farnsworth (we get it, you don't want to play in Detroit. Did you have to go from a 3.65 ERA to a 4.48 to prove it?)
- Resign Fernando Rodney, but keep him as a late relief pitcher, not a closer.
- Resign Marcus Thames, Bobby Seay, Joel Zumaya, Zach Miner, Ryan Rayburn, Brent Clevlen, Armando Galarraga, Matt Joyce, and Clete Thomas (we don't need to completely overhaul the team)
- Sign Orlando Cabrera to Short (I know it won't happen, but I like his defense)
- Just sign anyone at Catcher - we don't need a good hitter

The opening day roster should look something like this:
C: Anyone
1B: Miguel Cabrera
2B: Polanco
SS: Orlando Cabrera
3B: Inge
LF: Matt Joyce
CF: Granderson
RF: Ordonez
DH: Sheffield
SP: Verlander, Free agent, Bonderman (in May), Galarraga, Robertson

Getting Political
Let me preface the following with this: I will be voting for Barack Obama... because I can't vote for Hillary Clinton. And because the thought of Sarah Palin being that close to the presidency scares me. But in my opinion, I've heard much better quotes in favor of the Republicans lately. Here are a few quotes that are very telling about the current situation.

George Stephanopolous: "You were asked 'Is he (Barack Obama) ready?', you said 'I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on the job training.'"
Joe Biden: "I think I stand by this statement"

"I would be honored to run with or against John McCain. I think the country would be better off." - Joe Biden

"I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House and Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002." - Hillary Clinton

"Now, our opponents tell us not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they're not going to tax your family. No, they're just going to tax 'businesses.' So, unless you buy something from a business, like groceries or clothes or gasoline - or unless you get a paycheck from a business, a big business or a small business, don't worry, it's not going to affect you!" - Fred Thompson

Back to Baseball
How did we do with our predictions?

AL East
Pre-season: Red Sox
Mid-season: Red Sox
Mike: Yankees
AL Central
Pre-season: Indians
Mid-season: Tigers (my quote: "yes, I gave up on them a month ago and now I'm drinking the kool-aid again")
Mike: Indians
AL West
Pre-season: LA Angels
Mid-season: LA Angels
Mike: Mariners
AL Wild Card
Pre-season: Tigers
Mid-season: Rays
Mike: Red Sox
NL East
Pre-season: NY Mets
Mid-season: Phillies
Mike: Mets
NL Central
Pre-season: Brewers
Mid-season: Brewers
Mike: Cardinals
NL West
Pre-season: Diamondbacks
Mid-season: Diamondbacks
Mike: Padres
NL Wild Card
Pre-season: Cubs
Mid-season: Cubs
Mike: Dodgers

If you give 1 point for getting it correct, and a half point for mixing up a division winner and wild card, the final tally is:

ME: 2.5

I will leave you with our ominous comments...

Mike: Before the Royals even swept the Tigers these last three games, did anyone else have a gut feeling that this year won't be that special? There's something deep down that is keeping me from being that excited about this Tiger's team.
Kevin: I don't know why, but I was more excited about last year's team than I am about this year's team.
Mike: Yes! I have that same exact feeling...Something is amiss...


Mike and Grace said...
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Mikey D said...

Fantastic post. Sooooo good to hear from you again! Although I completely understand about not having time. I'd love to sit down and do a non-fantasy, "quality" post sometime. Again, great post.

How I Met Your Mother has been...bad. Give it some direction! Do you think this might be the last year?

I read the Free Press article, but it wasn't much of a gameplan in my opinion. It talked of our needs, but not really what the plan should be to address them. Yes, we need a, from where? A gameplan would tell me that...

That being said, I heard Jake Peavy is coming availalbe this offseason. Send Magglio, as tough as it would be, out there in a package. You'd have an ace signed through 2012 that's absolutely filthy. Verlander would be a great #2. Give me a top of the rotation pitcher over a superb hitter anyday.

Get rid of Rodney. The whole bullpen needs an overhaul. Fresh faces. Basically, it needs a new identity with new leaders to step up. No more relying on Zumaya and Rodney. I'm not even opposed of bringing up the "not ready" talent. Could it be any worse than Rodney??? Or Farnsworth???

Trade Guillen for a young shortstop and catching prospect. They don't even have to be major league ready. Just get someone in the farm system. Do it.

Buy out Sheffield's contract. I'm tired of his act.

Make Miguel Cabrera lose weight.

Haha, I bombed on those preseason picks. Always do.

I love the quotes from the beginning of the season. Thanks for including those.

Kevin said...

Where do the following TV shows rank on your list?

Daily Show
Colbert Report
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles
Big Bang Theory

Because that would probably be the top-5 shows I watch right now. (excluding sports-related shows)

I will be voting against McCain/Palin more than voting for Obama/Biden.

The only Tigers I wouldn't consider trading right now are Granderson, Polanco, Ordonez, and Verlander. The rest I can take or leave. I do like some of the younger guys, (Joyce, Galarraga, etc.)but I wouldn't be heart-broken if we traded them. (As long as we got good value in the trade of course)

We definitely need to get rid of Sheffield and Rodney.

Mikey D said...

Big Bang Theory...I watch it every week, and I have no idea why!

Deep down, I don't think it's that funny, but maybe because I'm a giant dork I relate to it.

I don't know what it is...but there's something about that show.

Adam said...

6.5 Daily Show
15. Colbert Report
378. Big Bang Theory - I saw the pilot and HATED it

I have actually never seen It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or
Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles, which is only about 3 mins. less than the length of time I've watch Dancing...

The problem with HIMYM is that the irrelevant episodes used to be hilarious (Slapsgiving anyone?) and now they are just distracting. I did enjoy the season premiere.

Did you guys catch that the Tigers added almost $100M to the payroll and 2 wins in 4 years??

I feel strongly that the Tigers don't need an overhaul. A new C, SS, SP, closer, and perhaps LF will be enough of a change. Don't forget many people blamed the bad start this year on "too many new faces". Plus, don't forget the improvements Jair Jurrjens and Andrew Miller made and how much better we could have been. And you CAN'T rip on Cabrera - he ended up coming through with some impressive stats. I think Mags MUST be hands off - he is the new leader of this team with Pudge leaving. I definitely wouldn't mind getting rid of Sheff, but I don't think it'll happen.

Kevin said...

I agree with you that Big Bang Theory really isn't that funny....but neither is How I met Your Mother. I like the shows though. I think I just like the characters.

With sitcoms, I don't WANT the plot to move along. I want every episode to end with everyone in the same place they were at the beginning of the episode.

The problem with HIMYM is that the premise forces the plot to move.

Mikey D said...

Yeah, it was fun when Barney was just a whore (and had no feelings for Robin), Lily and Marshall weren't married, Ted was chasing Robin, and Robin was chasing Ted. The minute all that stopped was the really when the show went downhill a bit. So it's hard to argue with you there, Kev.

And Adam, I totally agree with you. They've lost their edge with these irrelevant episodes, as you referred to them. Slapsgiving was fucking hillarious, and you see they're trying to recreate the same sort of feel, but it's just not working.

And stop with the guest celebs. It's getting annoying.

Big Bang Theory...I remember watching the pilot too and hating it. That's why I'm shocked I'm still watching it. But like Kevin said, I think it's somehting about the characters that are just relatable and likable.

And I have no problem getting rid of Mags. If you're a 70+ win team with Mags as your leader, well, I'm willing to try someone else and see if we could be an 80-90+ win team. And Mags isn't a spring chicken and he's injury prone...his value will never be higher than it is right now.

And I will rip on Cabrera. I don't care if he hits three home runs in a game, it doesn't make up for being a fat ass on the field. Like I said when the Tigers came to Baltimore, it was flat out embarrassing. O's fans stopped booing the Tigers and laughed at them. If he can put up the numbers that he did this year, but could have been a better fielder and faster on the basepaths by just being in shape, well I'm going to rip on him. It's called playing to your potential. For the contract we've given him, we have the right to ask for that.

And there is no way in hell we'll get Jake Peavy, the guy tops on my wish list. The Padres want to dump salary and get prospects. We could only give salary to the Padres and have nothing in our barren farm system to offer. Boo.

Adam said...

You are very right that Magglio's trade value is the highest right now. If you do that, you HAVE to keep Clete Thomas, Matt Joyce, Clevlen, Rayburn, etc. It would be a HUGE competition for outfield. Plus, I would like to see us turn Thames into a starter.

Mikey D said...

Honestly, competition for spots sounds good right about now. Make em' all earn it.

Agreed on Thames. He's earned the right to be a starter.