
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Return to the Randomness

I just saw an ad on the Big 10 Network that said "Where the Big Moments live". The clip they showed was a 50 yard game winning touchdown run that a Purdue player made with only a minute left in the game. The opponent was Central Michigan. Really Big 10 Network?
How does Billy Donovan make this list and Izzo doesn't??? If we convinced the Flintstones to return for another year (plus snuck Mateen in somehow), they would have won the National Championship in 01 as well.

Speaking of Izzo, I may be committing blasphemy, but I think I might like Mark Dantonio more than him right now. That's not a knock on Izzo, but praise for Dantonio. He seems fully committed to the program (unlike Saban) and is very respectable (unlike John L) and brings great discipline to the team (unlike Bobby Williams). Wait, Izzo is all of those things and won us a championship. So it may be going overboard to like him more than Izzo, but I really respect his leadership and dedication. He has a Belichik solemnity to him minus the arrogance.
during the U-M game, my sister (who is a U-M convert due to her husband) texted me to gloat after U-M went up 21-14, my response text was "Pride comes before the fall". I'm sure she didn't know what that meant, but I love when he said that during last year's postgame press conference. I fully admit I thought it was a very questionable move to bring a guy that went slightly over .500 at Cincinnati to MSU, but he has proved me wrong. Seeing the contrast between him and the very slimey Rich Rodriguez makes me appreciate his devotion to tradition and respect. Ok, enough of my mancrush.

I think AOL has had the biggest demise of any person, thing, business, or country in the past 10 years. It's almost completely useless and yet it's still popular - it's the Paris Hilton of the internet. I don't know too many people who still Instant Message and there are many ISPs that are cheaper. I'm annoyed with it because I have tried many times to delete my aol e-mail account, but they make it impossible.

Me: "Whenever I would say something was "so weird" my old roommates would respond "how weird is it?" like you were setting up a joke. Then if you don't tell a joke, they always respond "I don't get it".
My Co-worker: "Wow... that's annoying. How long did you live with them again?"
Me: "Two years"
I miss many things about living with you guys, but that is not one of them.

Girl wearing a jersey at a game - cute
Girl wearing a jersey at the bar - acceptable
Girl wearing a football jersey around the mall - kinda trashy
Girl wearing a Bengals jersey around the mall - super trashy

Facebook is going to be very awkward once our generation starts to die. It's going to be like virtual memorials. How would someone else delete your account?

The Thanksgiving Day game has the potential to feature the undefeated Titans against the completely defeated Lions, although it will not come down to that. The Lions will defeat the Tampa Bay Bucs on the 23rd. It is more likely that the Titans will be undefeated, although I'm not confident they get past the Jags on the 16th. What concerns me more is that we may be 2-3 years away from losing the Thanksgiving game. The "why does Detroit own Thanksgiving" argument keeps creeping up earlier and earlier. It used to start that week, but now it is coming up on sports radio at the beginning of November. If we continue to lose, we will lose Thanksgiving. We're to the point now that home games are blacked out because we can't sell enough tickets. And the NFL isn't that devoted to tradition. After all, the Cleveland Browns are in Baltimore because the Colts are in Indianapolis. Notice that NOBODY questions why America's team is owed the other game. It's because when Dallas is bad, it is only for a season or two. By the way, I predict the Lions finish 2-14 with wins over the Bucs and Vikings.


Mikey D said...

You were annoyed by us?????

Just think of how many times you set-up a joke and gave us NOTHING!!!

Now that's annoying!


When I looked at that list of coaches I was thinking, "Now who doesn't belong here..." Izzo's body of work is definitely more impressive, despite the lack of one championship. Sustained success.

Good post; I enjoyed reading it!

Kevin said...

According to my sister, AIM is still popular among MSU students. Maybe not as popular as facebook, but still going strong. But as far as an ISP, yeah, AOL is toast.

Izzo is God. Dantonio is great, (I still care about MSU football in November!) but he's still got a long way to go before he reaches "deity" level.

Thanksgiving = Lions football. The Lions have won 1 playoff game in the last 50 years, and we have still kept the thanksgiving game. I don't see the NFL changing it just because we are awful. If they do move us off of Thanksgiving, I think they will move Dallas as well, and just rotate the games around the league.

Me: You know what I find annoying?
Co-worker: What?
Me: When someone gives me a set-up for a joke, but then he doesn't have a punchline ready.
Co-worker: That is SO annoying!