
Sunday, November 23, 2008


Let me be the first to say it: that 24 "movie" was crap. It was boring and it didn't tell us anything. I thought it was supposed to tell us what happened to Jack between last season (which by my recollection was in 1996) and the next. So what did it tell us? Jack hid in a fake African country playing missionary worker. I guarantee you that 90% of what you saw tonight will be ignored and forgotten after the first 20 mins of the next season.

The thing that bothers me is that they are committing the same errors as before by introducing characters, trying to get you to care about them, and then killing them off.

I'm about ready to give up.


Kevin said...

I thought it was actually pretty good. I didn't think it was boring at all.

I agree that almost everything will be ignored when the season starts, but I'm OK with that, as long as the new plot line is interesting.

I got to watch Jack shoot people, so I'm happy.

Mikey D said...

I really enjoyed it.

This "movie" was supposed to be a re-introduction to Jack and why he's amazing. It was for those people who forgot how awesome Jack was taking on 927349237 bad guys at once. I'm okay with them not explaining in more detail what happened to Jack. They moved forward instead, which is fine by me.

All that being said, I agree that most of this will be ignored- I think that's the point. They'll move on with the real story line with Jack back in the U.S. when the season starts up in January. They wouldn't get too into it and then leave you hanging for months.

Again, I thought it was good. It was suspensful and I felt like it was a more realistic intro than in years past.