
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fun With NBA Salaries

I am working on a different post, but I wanted to post a little NBA Salary quiz. I love that they post this information on the Team Roster pages on ESPN's website. Completely unnecessary. Anyway, DON'T Cheat!

The highest paid player on the OKC Thunder has the smallest salary compared to the top earner from every other team. How much do they make?
Bonus Point: Who is it?
Half point: name two members of the Thunder other than Kevin Durant (It's ok - I couldn't)

Who is the highest paid player in the NBA?

Who is the highest paid player on the Cavs?

Of these 4 Pistons, who has the highest salary - Rodney Stuckey, Jason Maxiell, Antonio McDyess, Walter Herrmann?

Danny Granger is averaging 26.5 PPG for the Indiana Pacers. Mike Dunleavy comes off the bench to replace Granger. How many Danny Grangers does it take to equal the salary of 1 Mike Dunleavy (rounded to the nearest whole number)?

Last year’s #1 overall pick, Derrick Rose, makes roughly the same amount of money as which of these present or former Piston veterans? Mehmet Okur, Grant Hill, Darko Milicic, Kwame Brown, Tayshaun Prince
Bonus point: To the nearest 100,000, how much does Derrick Rose make?


Mikey D said...

OKC Thunder...Durant is still on the rookie scale, so not him...I only know three other guys on the team- Wilcox from his Maryland days, Green from Georgetown, and Westbrook from UCLA. It has to be a I'll say Chris Wilcox.

Two other members besides Durant (and Wilcox)...How about the other two mentioned, Westbrook and Green, their last two first round picks.

Highest in the NBA? I'll say Kobe Bryant.

Highest on the Cavs? Is this a trick question??? LeBron is the obvious choice...but why would you pose the question then? I'll go Ben Wallace. He's got a big contract.

Highest salary of the 4 Pistons...I'll say Maxiell because he got that fat new contract.

Danny Granger=stud. I'll say if you multiply Granger's salary by 6, you get Dunleavy's.

Rose's salary for the year probably equals that of Kwame Brown. I'll say around 3.6 million.

Kevin said...

Durant is the only player I know on the Thunder.

I think the highest paid player is Kevin Garrnet.

Highest on Cavs has to be a trick question, but the only players I can think of on the Cavs right now are LeBron and Anderson Verajao, so I'll say LeBron.

Of the four Piston's I'll guess McDyess because he's old.

I'll say 3 Grangers in a Dunleavy.

My guess is that Rose makes the same amount as Darko. My guess for the salary is 2 million per year.

Adam said...

Chris Wilcox IS the highest paid Thunder, however you both missed the initial question - "How much do they make?" The answer to that is $6.75 million. Their average salary is a paltry $3.96 million, although they have quite a young team comparatively. And yes, Mike, Green and Westbrook are (Thunderers? Thunders? F' it - Sonics) as well.

Highest paid in the NBA is Kevin Garnett, so point for Kevin.

Ben Wallace is the highest paid Cav, although LeBron is quickly catching up. There used to be a larger disparity.

The highest paid Piston, shockingly, is Herrmann. Maxiel is better and McDyess is older, but Herrmann is the highest paid. I am wondering, though, if McDyess' departure and return has anything to do with that. The correct order of those, by the way, is McDyess, Stuckey, Maxiell, Herrmann.

Granger will soon be making the big bucks, but he currently makes 1/3 the salary that Dunleavy does.

Finally, Derrick Rose's $4.8 million salary is closest akin to Kwame Brown's $4 mil salary. Here's a list of everyone else's
Hill $1.98
Darko $7 (SCARY!)
Mehmet $8.5
Tay $9.5

Adam said...

Final Points:
Mike 3.5 points
Kevin 2 points

Mikey D said...

I think with these results I can conclusively say that I am better than Kevin at everything that exists in the whole wide world.

Kevin said...

...Except for NHL Hitz.

Oh snap!

Mikey D said...

...And in a game of "Asses Up".

Kevin said...

Haha, I would destroy you in Asses Up, and I am proud of the fact.

Mikey D said...

When you say that you'll destroy me in a game of 'asses up' I can only think of painful things that would involve my anus.

Sorry for taking your post this way Adam...