
Friday, February 20, 2009

Wedding Update

Stacey was very smart when we began the wedding planning process. I want to be very involved and help make the decisions, but there are some things I just can't get excited about. She gave me an out - whenever she asked my opinion on something, "I don't care" was an acceptable response. I think so far, I have had to use that less than 5 times. It has been a busy two months - keep in mind the normal wedding planning length is 12 months. We're doing it in 9.

Bridal Shows
I got a lot of compliments from vendors on the fact that I showed up. It's great when my mere presence earns me brownie points! It was fun to taste all of the different cakes. We're going to be at a crossroads because I personally prefer ones with fruit in the middle (especially raspberries) and Stacey doesn't. There is so much b.s. out there you can buy for your reception. I think we've done a pretty good job of deciding what we want and what crap we don't need. The most scandalous vendor was a semi-nude photoshoot that a bride can complete for a "wedding night present" for her husband. I would just be uncomfortable if I got that knowing someone was taking dirty photos of her. Anyway...

Getting to play with a scanning gun and picking out stuff for other people to buy us? I'm there. I felt a little discriminated when we went to Macy's because the woman was looking at Stacey 75% of the time and the registration sheet asked for the bride's info - the grooms was optional. Again, Stacey knows me too well - she gave me a list and let me cross off the stuff I didn't care about shopping for and picked them out herself. Picking out the bedroom and bathroom stuff was pretty difficult to decorate a house we don't have. But thee most frustrating thing about trying to decorate was that everything is chocolate brown and pastel blue.

Dress Shopping
Obviously I wasn't there while she bought the dress, but it did spend a week in my closet... in the middle of my clothes. I estimate the number of times she has tried it on so far at 6. While I wasn't there for the dress purchasing, I did venture to David's Bridal to look at bridesmaid dresses. That, by far, has the scariest part to date. It was a Sunday afternoon, which according to her bridal magazines is the busiest time of the week. Imagine approximately 30-50 bridezillas, each with a stressed out mom and/or friend, and maybe 1 other guy there. Stacey showed me the options and I approved. It also gave me the chance to make the suggestion I am most proud of - the flower girl's dress. We didn't want to have her in a white dress (someone wants to be the ONLY one in white) and the dress doesn't come in our color (serene). I recommended that we put her in a light blue dress with the serene sash and she approved. Luckily, we made it out of there before I had an anxiety attack.

Where we go from here
The good thing is we're not even close to being burnt out yet. We are very close to signing a reception place. Once that is done, we will finally be "on schedule" with the wedding planning. The next big step is booking the honeymoon. Stacey is spending the weekend getting quotes from photographers, flower places, videographers, etc. Then we have to look over the guest lists and make cuts. I think we should take what will be an uncomfortable situation and make it fun - turn it into a fantasy draft or make it into a March Madness bracket.


Kevin said...

From a customer's point-of-view, bridal shows are great. I know that we offer out best deals of the year at the bridal shows, and most of the other vendors in the wedding industry do the same.

But I fucking hate bridal shows. They ruin my weekends. I have to do set-up for two more shows this Sunday. Grrrr....

Mikey D said...

Kudos to you for doing the bridesmaid dress shopping. I am a very girly man, but I don't know if I could stomach that. I would probably have used my "I don't care" for that one.

Did you decide on a place for the honeymoon? Would you be mad if Kevin and I just showed up and ruined your romantic getaway? If so, Kev, we have to make that happen...

Haha just kidding, Adam!

Oh, and I'm with Stacey on the cake. Fruit inside a cake? You're crazy, man.

Kevin said...

All cake is good cake.

Why wreck just the honeymoon? We should totally go Intergalactic Gophers in the middle of ceremony itself. I can see it now....all we need is a giant cell phone....


I'm sure Adam and Stacey will think it's hilarious...

Mikey D said...
