
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Team Poisons

There is a poll up on ESPN right now - "Which of these players would you want as a teammate: Alex Rodriguez, Terrell Owens, or Manny Ramirez?" To me, this is a VERY easy decision. I was surprised, however, because my pick was not the top national selection.

By now, I'm sure you've selected your option. I would pick Manny, even though he caused Boston some headaches. Alex Rodriguez, however, was the top choice with 50% of the vote (Manny had 42% and TO received an unsurprising 8%). I am guessing because Manny and TO are thought to be more poisonous than A-Rod to team chemistry. While he may be immature at times, Manny is a winner. I am not sure that Boston would have won 2 championships without him and I'm not sure the Dodgers would've made the playoffs without him. He is by far one of the best sluggers in the league right now and hasn't faced steroid allegations. A-Rod's offenses may seem to affect his teammates less, but he doesn't contribute anywhere near as much as Manny. Plus, there are the reports that his Yankee teammates initially hated him and created the nickname "A-Fraud". Manny, on the other hand, has really good relationships many of his teammates (although I concede, not all). While Boston may have had to deal with "Manny being Manny", they also must thank him for 2 championships.


Mikey D said...

Completely agree.

Manny makes everyone around him better. That Dodger line-up absolutely sucked before Manny came over, and was rock-solid after. And everyone has seen the pictures of Manny goofing off and having fun in the dugout with the guys. The quotes out of the Yankee clubhouse have been negative towards A-Rod, but positive about Manny. I'd take Manny.

Speaking of T.O., the Redskins radio people down here were talking about how much sense it makes to bring T.O. to Washington. For the first time in a long time I was actually happy to be a Lions fan. If we signed these players this off-seasaon, I would cry:

Albert Haynesworth (stomped on a guy's head...when he wasn't wearing a helmet)
DeAngelo Hall (punched a teammate, got into it with coaches)
Terrell Owens (nothing need be said)

At least with the Lions we can say we aren't bringing in a virus, cancer, and plague to our team. Yes we're short on talent, but we've got decent guys who try. I'd rather have than that crazy fucks. Plus team chemistry kinda matters in this sport...

Kevin said...

I would choose A-rod. He is one of the best players of all time. I think A-rod's numbers are on track to beat Manny's, although you can definitely point to Manny's championship rings.

For me personally though, I just think Manny is too mercurial. I want predictable, known quantities who will play hard, no matter what.

Manny is probably more fun to hang out with in the locker room/dugout, but I would rather have A-rod as a teammate.