
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ways to Improve the Lions

Since players are now "forgetting to show up to the combine in shape" in order to avoid having to play for the Lions, I have come up with some improvements on how to turn things around.

1. Officially change team name to "Devil Lions". Then, days before the season, remove "Devil" from name.

2. Sign Allen Iverson and bench him. Instant improvement.

3. Hold ceremony to mark the end of the Bobby Layne curse. Did he say they wouldn't win for 50 years, or IN 50 years? Either way, he was right.

4. Print a fake memo titled "QB Trade Possibilities" on Bronco letterhead and let it "accidentally" find its way to Jay Cutler. Then stock up on insulin.

5. Send expensive "wedding gift" to Giselle Bundschen-Brady.

6. Lobby NFL to expand the back of the endzone by 5 yards so "trick" QB rollout play will work.


Kevin said...

Haha, I like it. Good suggestions.

I think the Lions should take a run at Michael Vick. Sure he murdered dogs, but he can run REALLY fast.

The sad part is, I'm not joking.

Mikey D said...

What have we got to lose?

Kevin said...

A pretension of moral integrity?

I don't know. Would you be OK with the Lions going after Vick? I thought you hated Vick, even before the whole dog killing thing.

Mikey D said...

If I were a GM, no. Running QBs don't win (championships at least), and Vick is/was arguably the best running QB ever and never won anything. I don't know if I've ever said I hated Vick (outside of a fantasy context), but his style just isn't conducive to championship football.

Buttttttt the Lions are a different story. 0 wins? Daunte Culpepper? Hey, Vick may not get us to a championship, but he can probably run for at least one win. I'll take that. With Vick we could work on getting those building block pieces we never seem to get in the draft and free agency, draft a young QB to sit for 2-3 years, and in 5 year or so years have a championship caliber team with the young QB leading it.

Plus I really want to ride the Vick Experience.