Johnny Damon is a Yankee. A little bit of my sports passion just died.
And this made me vomit a little in my mouth.
At the time, my Red Sox fandom was hurt by the fact that the lovable, cavemanesque Damon shed his trademark beard and went to the rival Yankees. Now, I don't want any part of him. Not because many label him a "traitor" for leaving the Sox, but because we traded a 24 year old, fast, outfielder who was adored by the community for one that is 36, slow, and has a poor arm. I get that we also got pitching out of the trade and the enjoyment of watching Mark Schlereth wearing the old English D everytime he shows up on Mike and Mike. And I understand that Granderson may have left us soon anyway. But I hate buying an expensive guy that is past his prime.
And in 4 months, I'm sure I'm going to be writing the third post in this series: Why I Love What Johnny Damon Brings to the Tigers.