
Friday, February 05, 2010

Remember when?

Let's see how much you were paying attention last year.

1. Which movie won the Oscar for "Best Picture"?
2. Name the top 5 top grossing movies that came out last year.
3. Who had the top grossing album?
4. What did Joe Wilson, Representative from South Carolina, shout during Barack Obama's September speech on health care reform?
5. Who won American Idol in May?
6. We all know Matt Stafford was taken #1 in the NFL Draft. Who was taken #2 and which team drafted him?
7. Who was drafted first overall in the NBA Draft?
8. Where did the Pistons, Lions, and Redwings rank among their Conference? Where did the Tigers rank among the American League? (Note: For each team, except the Lions, consider the season that ended in 2009)
9. What was the most searched term on Yahoo?
10. Place these events in chronological order.
a. Tiger Woods' infamous car accident
b. US Airways plane makes miraculous landing on the Hudson River
c. Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift's acceptance speech
d. A-Rod admits to using steroids
e. Kate Gosselin from "Jon & Kate Plus 8" files for divorce
f. Olympia Snowe makes a key vote to pass health care bill from Senate Finance Committee


Adam said...

1. Slumdog Millionaire
2. Avatar, Transformers 2, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Twilight: New Moon, Up
3. Taylor Swift
4. "You lie"
5. Kris Allen
6. St. Louis Rams selected Jason Smith
7. Blake Griffin
8. Pistons 8th, Red Wings 2nd, Tigers 6th, Lions 15th
9. Michael Jackson
10. b (Jan), d (Feb), e (June), c (Sept), f (Oct), a (Nov)

Mikey D said...

I had no idea on #1 and #2 (I can't remember the last movie we even went to see...).

I guessed Lady Gaga for top selling album...nope.

I got #4, but way.

Jason Smith, Blake Griffin- too easy!

I got the Pistons and Tigers wrong, but the Wings and Lions right. I give myself half credit. That was hard...I could place them in their division standing easier.

I guessed Britney Spears for #9, but Jackson makes sense.

I actually got #10 correct! I surprised myself. The only one I wasn't sure about was the order of f and c. Got lucky on that.

Overall: 4.5/10. I guess I've been oblivious to the world, haha.

Kevin said...

I got #4.

That's it.