
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Running Thoughts on South Carolina Game

Since the South Carolina game was my first glimpse at the 2010-2011 Spartans, I wanted to share my initial running thoughts as the game progressed.

-Screw Brad Stevens for dragging the Louisville/Butler game on and on.  It was bad enough losing to your team in the tournament.  Now I have to watch your players foul when they're down by 10+ with less than a minute left?  Show of hands: who thought Butler would be as good as last year?  Yeah, me neither.
-Green's weight loss is NOTICEABLE. 
-This team shouldn't ever have difficulty scoring. 
-They need to gel better defensively - I saw a few completely blown assignments.
-After seeing Ohio State and Sullinger, they are CLEARLY our primary competition for the Big 10 Title
-Nix does not look very confident out there.
-At the half: 15 assists on 16 FG?  Only 5 Turnovers?  Nice.
-They showed a clip of Delvon Roe acting in a Shakespearean play right before the game.  Awesome.
-I like that they shifted the Izzone to be in front of the camera.  They seem to be on top of their game tonight.
-Izzo's "we're up by 17 at the half but I don't like what I saw" scowl was in midseason form.
-I saw a headline on that said "MSU" but it turned out to be Mississippi St.  Haven't we performed well enough in football and basketball that "MSU" should mean Michigan State?  Can't they just say "Mich/Miss St"?
-If the Tyler Hansborough UNC team played this MSU team, I know we would see the same exact outcome- a really good center with a speedy PG will shut us down.
-Sherman and Nix are a combined 0-6 on FT right now.  Where is Adreian Payne so far tonight??  Makes you really miss Goran Suton and Paul Davis.
(Switched over to Conan during a commercial.  When is he going to shave that stupid beard?  I thought that was just a "time off from TV" beard)
-DEFINITE lapse of focus around the 15 min mark in the 2nd - Summers with sloppy ball handling on back-to-back plays, Lucious bounces the ball off his foot. - Who regains the momentum with some big offensive and defensive plays??  Appling and Payne.  Isn't that backwards???
-Crazy stat: There have been 9 triple doubles in MSU history.  Magic has 8 of those.  The 9th?  I don't know, they didn't say!!!
-It's good to see NCAA Tournament Summers, not 2009 Summers.
-Roe is looking like Raymar, except he can play defense, he isn't making shitty fouls, and he isn't bitching at the refs like a little baby... so basically, just the good things.
-0 pts, 4 fouls, poor ball control.... maybe Izzo should have suspended Lucious for another game....
-MAKE YOUR DAMN FREE THROWS!!!!  We would have put this game away a long time ago if we would have made some of these.
-We now have 4 people with 4 fouls.  I am really disappointed with their second half performance.  They are just coasting, but the lead is down to 8 with 4+ mins left.
-Is it fair to tack some of the sloppy play up to the fact that it is now 12:20am?
-Player of the Game: Roe - 5-6 fg, 15 pts, 6 reb, 4 ast, 1 stl, 1 blk, 1 to OR Green - 5-6 fg, 18 pts, 12 reb, 2 ast, 5 stl, 2 blk, 2 to


Mikey D said...

OSU looked fantastic. It'll be interesting to see if teams can figure out a gameplan to slow Sullinger and Lighty (Hack-a-Sullinger?). If they can, OSU will fall...

I will be watching the game tonight, but perhaps I should turn it off after the 2nd half. COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE to let an inferior team back in by committing 14 2nd half turnovers and missing half our free throws (not to mention the apparently porous 3-pt defense), especially at home on national television.

I want to chalk it up to early season rust, but man, I feel like I've seen this show before. PLAY A FULL 40 DAMMIT!

Kevin said...

I like the slimmed down version of Green. Can we still call him the dancing bear though? Maybe he needs a new nickname...

Izzo's "up-by-17-but-I-don't-like-how-we-played" scowl was completely justified.

If we played Hansbrough's UNC team tommorow night, yes, we get smoked. Once this team hits its stride though, watch out. Assuming we improve throughout the season and can stay healthy, I think this team will be superior to the team that lost to UNC. I think we give them a game. We'll see though, a lot can happen between now and tournament time.