
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Michigan State HAS COME BACK to Columbus

Before I discuss the game last night, I would like to review a psychological concept.

"Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism." - Mayo Clinic

The website goes on to list the following symptons:
■Believing that you're better than others

■Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
■Exaggerating your achievements or talents
■Expecting constant praise and admiration
■Setting unrealistic goals

■Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
■Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans

I mention this because I have learned that all Buckeye fans suffer from at least a mild case of NPD.  Living in Columbus has exposed me to a number of them.  They may be arrogant about their team and University, but every comment bragging about their success is followed up by saying something to the effect of "although they will say we didn't deserve it."  They usually means ESPN (most notably Mark May, Colin Cowherd, and formerly Trev Alberts), Michigan, the SEC, or just sports fans in general. 

I think more recently this is due to the University of Florida.  They can't erase the embarrassment that the Gators handed them in basketball and football and they think people discredit their recent successes as a result.  I think that Buckeye fans secretly also have an inferiority complex in relation to the SEC and can't get over those losses either. (This creates some cognitive dissonance.  Yes, I spent too much time researching psychology tonight.)

For example, after the Rose Bowl game last year, many people complained that "they" wouldn't give them credit for that win since they didn't beat an SEC team.  This year, leading up to the Sugar Bowl game against Arkansas, people complained that beating them wouldn't matter because it wasn't the top SEC team. 

This relates to the game last night because as we left the arena, we walked behind a group of typical OSU students and one of them drunkenly said "We are OHIO...STATE.  We're fucking awesome.  But of course ESPN hates us.  We lost one game to a team that never loses... AT HOME.  And we're number 3?  We're going to win it all in March and we'll show them". 

I enjoy the attitude that most Michigan State fans share.  We're proud of our accomplishments, we want even more, but I don't think we overreact when our teams lose or obsess about them.  Anyway, let's talk about the game last night.

I think the main strategy MSU had was to be aggressive with Sullinger and rotate around so we're throwing a lot of different guys at him.  Diebler is a very streaky shooter, so they did a good job defending him and limiting how open he was.  He has attempted 7+ three's nine times this season;  Iowa and Florida State were the only two teams to hold him to a lower percentage.  We outrebounded them by 10.  Kalin looked extremely confident leading the ball upcourt and driving to the basket.  Nix, Payne, and Sherman showed us moves in the paint that nobody knew they had in them.  The problem, of course, were fouls and William Buford.  I have been telling my Buckeye friends for months that he is the most underrated player in the country.

I am satisfied with the close loss if it continues to be a sign of things to come.  Izzo said it best:
"I wouldn't count us dead yet.  This is a pretty good team if we can regroup down the stretch and get three guys to play together instead of just two."

Kalin leads the ball up court
I admit - the crowd showed up for the game and the arena blew up at key moments.


Mikey D said...

The thing I enjoy about MSU fans is that we show-up, no matter what. We will go to football and basketball games to support our teams, no matter the record. Heck, we even sold out the MSU-UofM women's game! I know you tell me how OSU fans put football first, basketball second, but I think MSU fans do a nice job of making all things equal. Now I just wish football could catch basketball in terms of success and be equal on that front...

A lot of people are saying Payne and Nix deserved more 2nd half minutes, which I agree, but when OSU went to 4 guards it was tough to keep them in there without having them be a defensive liability. Plus, since we were down, it's harder to dictate tempo and comeback using a larger line-up.

The foul disparity was ridiculous as well. 29-6 free throw advantage? I don't know how you felt, but sitting from home I actually felt the game was called fairly. There was nothing that made me jump out of my seat, at least against us. I do think Craft got away with A LOT as far as how physical his defense was with some of the MSU guards. But that's Big Ten basketball I suppose.

Saturday, at home, against Illinois, with College Gameday...MUST WIN.

Kevin said...

I agree. Even though we lost, I'm satisfied that we at least aquitted ourselves well. There were a lot of positives to take away from that game.

As far as NPD goes, I think that's all sports fans, not just OSU. I know I usually think MSU teams are better than they really are, are superior to every other team, and spend time fantasizing about winning championships.

Adam said...

The key thing about Buckeye fans is that they think that everyone unfairly criticizes OSU. They seem to get off on complaining that they don't get any respect.