
Friday, February 04, 2011


I'm just going to put it out there:

Does the growing frustration Tom Izzo has with his players indicate that he is closer to retiring?  Last year, he complained about them "not gelling".  This year, he has had to resort to benching and suspending but still experienced the worst performance he has ever seen from his team.  So, is he going to retire soon?  Ignoring how bad the Cleveland job appears now, do you think he regrets saying he would never go to the NBA?

(When Izzo announced he's staying at MSU, I said, "I think he will step down in as little as 3 years, but very likely within the next 5".  I think I look even smarter now).


Kevin said...

The last 2 years have definitely been hard on Izzo, but I'm waiting to see how the team looks next year.

If the next 2 years are like the last 2, I think Izzo will definitely think about retiring. But if things are going great, who knows?

Mikey D said...

See Izzo doesn't strike me as the type of person who's going to bail when things get tough. That's not his upbringing. He's going to see this through and take us to the top again, however long that takes. Book it. After that, I could see him riding off into the sunset.