
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Open Discussion

Topic: Mumford & Sons is a good band.  Particularly if you like Guster.  Discuss.


Mikey D said...

I enjoy them as well. They're #2's most listened to list for the past week. I think they've been around for a bit now, but are just now making their name over here in the U.S. Pretty big in the UK I think.

What's your favorite song?

Adam said...

Little Lion Man and White Blank Page. I don't know if this is a good assessment, but I feel like they're kind of a mix of Guster and Ben Harper... and British.

Mikey D said...

Hmmm...I don't really see the Guster comparison except for the banjo sound in their songs. I don't think I'm familiar enough with Ben Harper to make that comparison.

Have you heard of "Noah and the Whale?" To me they are very similar groups.

Adam said...

I bought their album on iTunes and I still really like it.

Go listen to Ben Harper's "Not Fire, Not Ice", "Waiting on an Angel", and "Walkaway". Then compare them to Mumford's "Sigh No More", "After the Storm", or "Timshel".

It's the simple, soulful, breathy sound from each that makes me connect the two.

I played "Little Lion Man" for Stacey to see what she thought of them. Her response: "sounds like Guster. But British".

Mikey D said...

You bought "Noah and the Whale" or "Mumford and Sons"?

"Little Lion Man" definitely has a Guster feel, I'll give you that for sure.

Kevin said...

Little Lion Man is the only song I know from Mumford and Sons. I listened to a couple other songs today and I can see the "British Guster" comparison. Maybe it was only the songs I listened to, but It seemed to me that Guster has more of a pop sound while Mumford has more of a folk sound. Either way, they are both, as Guster said, "wuss rock."

I've listened to a few Noah and the Whale songs, the only one I really like is "5 years time" I think Mumford is closer to Guster than Noah is....but I haven't listened very extensively to either.

Adam said...

I bought the Mumford album. I listened to a little Noah and the Whale. "Blue Skies" reminded me a little of Guster, but nothing else did. They were a little like Mumford, but I don't feel like they have the same intensity and emotion. They were alright, but it didn't really stand out to me.

Mikey D said...

Well no, I'm not comparing Noah and the Whale to Guster, more to Mumford and Sons. Ah whatever.

But since we're comparing Mumford and Sons to Guster, we have to agree that they sound like the OLD Guster, not the new "poppy" Guster.