
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hockey Update

Our team is three quarters of the way through the season now and we're 6-2-1.  That's good enough for a tie for 2nd place, although the team we're tied with has played one less game than us.  Most of the games have been very close.  Five of the nine games have been one goal games (we're 3-2 in those) including one OT loss and tonight's shootout win.

I tallied my 2nd assist on the season, but I am still looking for that elusive first goal.  I've learned a lot about positioning, getting to the front of the net, and defending my man.  I had an opening in front of the net, but when it came my way, I barely got a stick on it because the defender knocked me over (checking is NOT legal in our league).  One of my teammates was able to put it in during the scrum, so I think the point was a gimmie.  I feel like I have played good games, for the most part, but the opportunities haven't bounced my way.  Regardless, I love the feeling of hanging out after the games we win and celebrating.  The feeling of being a member of a sports team is unlike I have ever felt.  Playing tennis didn't really compare because it is more of an individual sport (and because I really sucked). 

Next week we play the notoriously "chippy" team in the league.  They're also the team that we're tied with for 2nd place and have given up 9 fewer goals than us.  If we win, we will likely have wrapped up a playoff spot (8 of the 13 make the playoffs).


Mikey D said...

You should have gone out for baseball! You could go pro, and hang around the team for 162 games, 6 months straight. But I get you on the team feeling. Tennis is definitely a hard sport to get that from. I only really felt it that last year I played when we had a group of guys that really liked being around each other and cared about each others matches.

Sounds like you're almost a lock for the playoffs being in second place. Are the playoffs just a single-elimination 8-team tournament?

Adam said...

Yep - it should be very competitive. The top team in the league has only lost one game (the 2nd of their double header night) but I truly think we could beat them 5 times out of 10.

Our team agreed on our own "playoff beard" if we make it - "Magnum mustaches" to fit our team's namesake.

Mikey D said...

Haha, can you grow one?

Mikey D said...

I couldn' least it would take me a long time...

Adam said...

We'll see. I am not sure whether we're starting them when we make the playoffs or when the playoffs begin. There could be almost a month's difference between the two. If we start when the playoffs begin, I could only be growing one for a week.

Kevin said...

Maybe it's just my personality, but I've never really enjoyed being "part of the team." I've always enjoyed playing, even with people I don't necessarily like, but off the field is another matter.

That being said though, I've made a lot of friends through playing soccer. And playing a sport with someone does create a bond, even with people you don't necesarily enjoy.