Everyone is flipping out about gas prices. I watched the local news last night and the top story was Hurricane Katrina. The next story was about gas prices topping $3. The people they interviewed were flipping out and talking about how they have to change their lifestyle. Do they swim in gasoline? A $.30 increase for a gallon of gas for a 20 gallon tank is $6. Yeah, that sucks. Although, I have a 12.5 gallon tank and a tank lasts me about a week and a half to two weeks. I drive about 20 mins. to work each day. But the extra few dollars I pay won't break my quite small bank.
I think the thing that is frustrating me in this is where people are placing the blame. Which is surprising because people are blaming Bush. I didn't vote for him... I should be happy people are upset with him. But we all knew about his ties to the oil industry. Now people are surprised he won't regularly tap our oil reserves to control prices like Clinton did? (Yes, he did announce yesterday he will temporarily tap some reserves, but his reason was to make up for losses incurred by Katrina, not to relieve high prices.)
Why aren't people more upset with the car industry for not making Hybrids or Electrics sooner or faster? Why aren't they upset with themselves for buying an inefficient SUV? We have a limited resource that is projected to be extinct soon. And yet we still use millions of gallons a day. I think some Americans feel like it is their right to buy a huge SUV because they work hard. Well, it is! BUT, there are consequences for doing that and I will put you at the front of the blame line.
I read in the Washington Post today that Bush's disapproval rating is at 53% now. The main reason is anger over gas prices. If this continues, it is very likely we will see a Democrat take over the White House. The Republican candidate will most likely be a member of Bush's administration or a close friend. (Bush Sr was Reagan's VP, Gore was Clinton's VP) They will have the nearly impossible task of resolving the public's anger issues over gas and Iraq. I would like to see a good Democrat candidate win the next election, but isn't it weird how much of a role gas prices could play in the decision?

Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
Sludge Puppies
I took my car in for an oil change and they said I have way too much sludge built up and I need a $70 flush of my radiator. I thought I just got a $170 radiator flush a month ago, but apparently I am mistaken. Either way, I am sick of my car needing attention. It is like a high maintenance girlfriend. (Not referring to Stacey, love you honey!) My dad said he is going to do it when I come home next. He hasn't done it before, but apparently he is going to figure it out! Eh, as long as I don't have to pay $70 he can clean it with my comforter for all I care. No, Kevin, you can't really clean my radiator with my comforter tonight.
I woke up this morning with a fresh patch of pimples waiting for me. I'm almost 23... shouldn't I have better skin yet? It reminded me of Family Guy last night. "Slather on my bacon grease and grow me a posse!" Haha. Maybe I'll buy that ProActive stuff again. How can I resist what Jessica Simpson, P Diddy and Vanessa Williams tell me to do? "Buy ProActiv or Die, Mutha****!"
My rents got a new puppy, which blows my mind. My dad has been totally opposed to one because Kimmie puked and crapped and peed all over our carpet. Plus, seeing her die was really sad. We think she had a few strokes because she couldn't walk right. A few days before we put her to sleep, she could only hobble around for a few feet. We had to put her water bowl under her head and feed her like that. She wimpered a lot. We finally decided to put her asleep after she went into a convulsion one day and foamed at the mouth. I better stop because I know Mike is already crying. Haha... just kidding buddy. It was really sad to see her die because I knew she was in pain, but I didn't really miss her once she was gone. I just don't have much attachment to animals. I remember one of my old coworkers' friends' dog died and she sent out an e-mail to her friends. She kept talking about religion and her spirituality... which was kinda weird. She claimed God blessed them in the way their dog died because they were all around. But the dog foamed at the mouth and convulsed... is having that happen to your dog and having your 7 year old see it a blessing? I just remember thinking it was all a little weird.
Which brings me to my next big thought of the day. And it's deep. Don't know how random it is... Anyway, I have been thinking a little about my religion. Maybe a little of it is from the South Park episode from last night. (Sad that South Park and Family Guy dictate my thoughts so much today. Guess it's because I haven't watched much TV in a while.) I am officially Catholic/Christian. I do however believe homosexuality isn't a choice, gay marriage should be a legal union, death penalty is murder but abortion isn't, women should be able to be priests, and priests should be able to marry. So, I am a fairly liberal christian. I am turned off by people who "wear their religion on their sleeve" because I think God didn't want people to boast about their faith. Don't remember what part of the Bible that's in, but I remember hearing about it on Ash Wednesday a few years ago. For example, we were wristbanding anyone who was drinking on the same night as we hosted a few churches. When I asked some of the church members if they were going to be drinking, one of them rudely answered "Alcohol?! Oh, no! I'm here for Christian night. I wouldn't want any alcohol!" First, Christians can drink. Second, they aren't supposed to be rude to thy neighbors, so you're a hypocrite. Third, I don't care that you're Christian, so don't talk down to me.
I was reading the preachy website for the Christian rock band that performed here. It said drugs and money will make you feel like half a person... God will make you feel like a whole. I don't go to church and I don't really have a relationship with religion. I have strong beliefs and I am not going to compromise them. I also believe in free will and think that saying "God has a plan already written out for you" is disowning responsibility for your actions. But I do believe there is more to this world and more going on than just what I see. I just felt like lately I've been doing work and errands without thinking much of God and life. And I don't think it's good to ignore what I believe created this world and I... God. Most times I go to church, though, I feel like I am not learning anything from it. I feel like I just go "because I have to" for whatever reason and that doesn't seem worthwhile. I don't know what I want to do from here... just wanted to put some ideas out. But I'm not switching to Scientology... nice try Tom Cruise.
I woke up this morning with a fresh patch of pimples waiting for me. I'm almost 23... shouldn't I have better skin yet? It reminded me of Family Guy last night. "Slather on my bacon grease and grow me a posse!" Haha. Maybe I'll buy that ProActive stuff again. How can I resist what Jessica Simpson, P Diddy and Vanessa Williams tell me to do? "Buy ProActiv or Die, Mutha****!"
My rents got a new puppy, which blows my mind. My dad has been totally opposed to one because Kimmie puked and crapped and peed all over our carpet. Plus, seeing her die was really sad. We think she had a few strokes because she couldn't walk right. A few days before we put her to sleep, she could only hobble around for a few feet. We had to put her water bowl under her head and feed her like that. She wimpered a lot. We finally decided to put her asleep after she went into a convulsion one day and foamed at the mouth. I better stop because I know Mike is already crying. Haha... just kidding buddy. It was really sad to see her die because I knew she was in pain, but I didn't really miss her once she was gone. I just don't have much attachment to animals. I remember one of my old coworkers' friends' dog died and she sent out an e-mail to her friends. She kept talking about religion and her spirituality... which was kinda weird. She claimed God blessed them in the way their dog died because they were all around. But the dog foamed at the mouth and convulsed... is having that happen to your dog and having your 7 year old see it a blessing? I just remember thinking it was all a little weird.
Which brings me to my next big thought of the day. And it's deep. Don't know how random it is... Anyway, I have been thinking a little about my religion. Maybe a little of it is from the South Park episode from last night. (Sad that South Park and Family Guy dictate my thoughts so much today. Guess it's because I haven't watched much TV in a while.) I am officially Catholic/Christian. I do however believe homosexuality isn't a choice, gay marriage should be a legal union, death penalty is murder but abortion isn't, women should be able to be priests, and priests should be able to marry. So, I am a fairly liberal christian. I am turned off by people who "wear their religion on their sleeve" because I think God didn't want people to boast about their faith. Don't remember what part of the Bible that's in, but I remember hearing about it on Ash Wednesday a few years ago. For example, we were wristbanding anyone who was drinking on the same night as we hosted a few churches. When I asked some of the church members if they were going to be drinking, one of them rudely answered "Alcohol?! Oh, no! I'm here for Christian night. I wouldn't want any alcohol!" First, Christians can drink. Second, they aren't supposed to be rude to thy neighbors, so you're a hypocrite. Third, I don't care that you're Christian, so don't talk down to me.
I was reading the preachy website for the Christian rock band that performed here. It said drugs and money will make you feel like half a person... God will make you feel like a whole. I don't go to church and I don't really have a relationship with religion. I have strong beliefs and I am not going to compromise them. I also believe in free will and think that saying "God has a plan already written out for you" is disowning responsibility for your actions. But I do believe there is more to this world and more going on than just what I see. I just felt like lately I've been doing work and errands without thinking much of God and life. And I don't think it's good to ignore what I believe created this world and I... God. Most times I go to church, though, I feel like I am not learning anything from it. I feel like I just go "because I have to" for whatever reason and that doesn't seem worthwhile. I don't know what I want to do from here... just wanted to put some ideas out. But I'm not switching to Scientology... nice try Tom Cruise.
Friday, August 19, 2005
The past 9 days have seemed like a complete blur. Outside of Sunday night, I really haven't had more than a few hours away from work. We started the homestand with a concert and ended it with another. It is a weird feeling to know the date and have no idea what day of the week it is. It was a lot of fun though. In that week, we had our manager get tossed, a player get tossed, and a cheap shot play at the plate that almost broke out into a fight. If only they could've won a few more games. I'm pretty happy with how things are turning out and it has been fun to do so many different things. We have a few promotions coming up, so I know I will be doing a lot of random tasks.
I really don't know if I could do this year after year... or even for a full season. It definitely is a different lifestyle. I think I might want to do basketball. I like the arena environment and it is half the schedule. Although nothing compares to minor league baseball promotions.
I heard a rumor today that two top MLB players have tested positive for steroids and are in the appeals process. Supposedly this will be officially announced soon. The two players are Johnny Damon (which hurts b/c he's a Red Sock) and Roger Clemens. If he really did test positive, that would be a HUGE story. I heard a debate on ESPN a few weeks ago over whether or not MLB should rename the Cy Young for Clemens.
The NHL finally inked that TV deal. I knew that a lot of networks weren't too interested in the contract, but I figured that NBC would sign on. They don't have many sports and the NHL deal has to be pretty cheap compared to other sports. The winning bidder was Comcast who is going to put at least 58 regular season games on its OLN network. They also will broadcast the playoffs and the first two games of the Stanley Cup Finals. How can you tell the networks thought the NHL was really shitty? NBC was willing to buy the rights to the Finals, but not the first two games. Now, the only thing that I can remember about the OLN network is that it carried the Tour De France in its entirety. "They're still biking... Lance is in the lead...oh! They're going uphill! Tremendous! ...still biking..." I have heard the network is trying to reposition itself as a competitor to ESPN. Gary Bettman likes the deal because OLN will focus most of their energy and attention to the NHL. But wouldn't it have been better for the league in the long run to take a cheaper deal from NBC or another reputable network that fans actually receive? I think this is another mistake from the incompetant management of the league.
I have to get the most out of this weekend... which means doing as little work as possible. I need to get a haircut, get a few groceries, clean my room, schedule my Mackinac vacation (can NOT wait), hang out with the girl, drink a beer, watch the Lions game, work out a little, play basketball, read Harry Potter, review my fantasy football strategy and schedule drafts, and kill a drifter. Haha... just kidding. I'm going to drink more than one beer.
I really don't know if I could do this year after year... or even for a full season. It definitely is a different lifestyle. I think I might want to do basketball. I like the arena environment and it is half the schedule. Although nothing compares to minor league baseball promotions.
I heard a rumor today that two top MLB players have tested positive for steroids and are in the appeals process. Supposedly this will be officially announced soon. The two players are Johnny Damon (which hurts b/c he's a Red Sock) and Roger Clemens. If he really did test positive, that would be a HUGE story. I heard a debate on ESPN a few weeks ago over whether or not MLB should rename the Cy Young for Clemens.
The NHL finally inked that TV deal. I knew that a lot of networks weren't too interested in the contract, but I figured that NBC would sign on. They don't have many sports and the NHL deal has to be pretty cheap compared to other sports. The winning bidder was Comcast who is going to put at least 58 regular season games on its OLN network. They also will broadcast the playoffs and the first two games of the Stanley Cup Finals. How can you tell the networks thought the NHL was really shitty? NBC was willing to buy the rights to the Finals, but not the first two games. Now, the only thing that I can remember about the OLN network is that it carried the Tour De France in its entirety. "They're still biking... Lance is in the lead...oh! They're going uphill! Tremendous! ...still biking..." I have heard the network is trying to reposition itself as a competitor to ESPN. Gary Bettman likes the deal because OLN will focus most of their energy and attention to the NHL. But wouldn't it have been better for the league in the long run to take a cheaper deal from NBC or another reputable network that fans actually receive? I think this is another mistake from the incompetant management of the league.
I have to get the most out of this weekend... which means doing as little work as possible. I need to get a haircut, get a few groceries, clean my room, schedule my Mackinac vacation (can NOT wait), hang out with the girl, drink a beer, watch the Lions game, work out a little, play basketball, read Harry Potter, review my fantasy football strategy and schedule drafts, and kill a drifter. Haha... just kidding. I'm going to drink more than one beer.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Iraq War
After reading this article "US Lowers Expectations for Iraq" I got kinda pissed off. I never believed the arguments that Bush made for war and I still don't know how I feel about starting a war without provocation. Bush originally argued that Sadam had these weapons and the threat was that he would sell them to terrorists. When we didn't find the weapons, the argument was that we were liberating a country from a tyrant that had been killing off civilians and depriving them of freedom. The goal was to catch Sadam, restore their utilities, and lead them to a free, independent government with a self-sustaining economy. We caught Sadam, but that is where success trailed off.
We will begin to pull troops out of Iraq shortly, but what are we leaving? Their basic utilities are still worse off than when Sadam was in power. The insurgency is stronger than predicted. Now, we believe they will have an "Islamic Republic" rather than a true democracy.
I am not saying that we should've been more successful or that we should stay longer. But why aren't we questioning or holding the Bush Admin more responsible for leading the US into this war with little assistance and information that we now know is "gray" to put it nicely? I think that we need an independent investigation that results in more than a report that is discussed on the six o'clock news and forgotten. Although I don't like Bush, I don't think that a different President would've been much more successful. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't hold whomever accountable for spending that much of our taxes on a war with a poor plan and limited outside assistance. The bigger tragedy is what the Iraqi people have already had to go through and what they will be left to deal with.
I think that the hope is that if we leave, the insurgency will calm down because their goal is to get American troops out of Iraq. But I doubt that will be the case. There will be a country with profitable natural resources (oil) and different religious groups and a weak government and weak security. The motivation for gaining power will be very high.
I really want to know what other people think, so post some replies.
We will begin to pull troops out of Iraq shortly, but what are we leaving? Their basic utilities are still worse off than when Sadam was in power. The insurgency is stronger than predicted. Now, we believe they will have an "Islamic Republic" rather than a true democracy.
I am not saying that we should've been more successful or that we should stay longer. But why aren't we questioning or holding the Bush Admin more responsible for leading the US into this war with little assistance and information that we now know is "gray" to put it nicely? I think that we need an independent investigation that results in more than a report that is discussed on the six o'clock news and forgotten. Although I don't like Bush, I don't think that a different President would've been much more successful. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't hold whomever accountable for spending that much of our taxes on a war with a poor plan and limited outside assistance. The bigger tragedy is what the Iraqi people have already had to go through and what they will be left to deal with.
I think that the hope is that if we leave, the insurgency will calm down because their goal is to get American troops out of Iraq. But I doubt that will be the case. There will be a country with profitable natural resources (oil) and different religious groups and a weak government and weak security. The motivation for gaining power will be very high.
I really want to know what other people think, so post some replies.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Joey Do!
Mike Theis would always watch a Lions game and yell "Joey Don't!" at the screen whenever Harrington would throw. It was really funny. The Lions are getting a good amount of preseason talk and EVERYONE has a magnifying glass on Harrington. I looked at their schedule today and realized they do need to git err duunnn this season. Their schedule is a cakewalk. They play the Bucs, Bears (twice), Browns, and Bengals. (Did anyone else realize all of the crappy teams in the league start with B?) Between the 4 of them, they were 22-42 last season. Also, they play the Cardinals, Saints, and Cowboys (20-28). Their division consists of
Green Bay - Always solid, but will Farve ever start aging? Ok, Packers are good.
Minnesota - Randy Moss-less. Lions should be able to take one of the two games
Chicago - Rex Grossman. I hate Rex Grossman. He didn't do that well in college, did he?
So, here's the season and how the Lions should perform.
Green Bay Packers - L - But, a victory would be a good start, wouldn't it?
@ Chicago Bears - W - If it is a loss, Joey will really have pressure on him
@ Tampa Bay Bucs - W - This is coming off a bye week
Baltimore Ravens - L - Raven's D is too tough... I think Boller will score just enough
Carolina Panthers - W - If I'm wrong, they probably beat the Ravens the week before
@ Cleveland Browns - W - Braylon Edwards or Rogers & the Williams'? Hmm...
Chicago Bears - W - Good old confidence booster
@ Minnesota Vikings - L - Can Lions really win first 4 road games? No.
Arizona Cardinals - W - Another should-be victory
@ Dallas Cowboys - L - Close game, but I don't want to be too optimistic
Atlanta Falcons - L - Tough game to predict. If Vick isn't playing, that definitely is a W. Entertaining Thanksgiving Day game
Minnesota Vikings - W - Lions find stop losing skid...
@ Green Bay Packers - L - ...for one week
Cinncinati Bengals - W - Carson Palmer will have a good season
@ New Orleans Saints - W - I will never put Deuce McFumbles a lot on my fantasy team again
@ Pittsburgh Steelers - L - Rothlisburg... I just realized I have no idea how to spell that.
That's it! They should be at least 9-7 next year. Last year, that record would put them into the playoffs. The question is, will Joey succeed?
Green Bay - Always solid, but will Farve ever start aging? Ok, Packers are good.
Minnesota - Randy Moss-less. Lions should be able to take one of the two games
Chicago - Rex Grossman. I hate Rex Grossman. He didn't do that well in college, did he?
So, here's the season and how the Lions should perform.
Green Bay Packers - L - But, a victory would be a good start, wouldn't it?
@ Chicago Bears - W - If it is a loss, Joey will really have pressure on him
@ Tampa Bay Bucs - W - This is coming off a bye week
Baltimore Ravens - L - Raven's D is too tough... I think Boller will score just enough
Carolina Panthers - W - If I'm wrong, they probably beat the Ravens the week before
@ Cleveland Browns - W - Braylon Edwards or Rogers & the Williams'? Hmm...
Chicago Bears - W - Good old confidence booster
@ Minnesota Vikings - L - Can Lions really win first 4 road games? No.
Arizona Cardinals - W - Another should-be victory
@ Dallas Cowboys - L - Close game, but I don't want to be too optimistic
Atlanta Falcons - L - Tough game to predict. If Vick isn't playing, that definitely is a W. Entertaining Thanksgiving Day game
Minnesota Vikings - W - Lions find stop losing skid...
@ Green Bay Packers - L - ...for one week
Cinncinati Bengals - W - Carson Palmer will have a good season
@ New Orleans Saints - W - I will never put Deuce McFumbles a lot on my fantasy team again
@ Pittsburgh Steelers - L - Rothlisburg... I just realized I have no idea how to spell that.
That's it! They should be at least 9-7 next year. Last year, that record would put them into the playoffs. The question is, will Joey succeed?
Bless This
While driving today, I was cut off by a Subaru with a Jesus fish and a "Love is the Answer" bumpersticker. Apparently the guy was borrowing his wife's crappy "Love-mobile". What is the world coming to when even the lambs of God have road rage.
Have you ever played a board game with someone who gets overly excited when the tiny plastic hourglass is tipped over? I was playing Taboo with my family this weekend. I know, what 22-year-old still has family game night? My relatives were over and the choice was games or drinking. When it was my mom's turn, she would turn into an 80 year old at a McDonald's drive thru. "Ready, go. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT YOU USE TO..." It was very comical.
I have shaved 10 points off my golf score from last year. Which means I have gone from embarassing to "just say you're a casual golfer". I am proud of my first and second shots. I need to improve on my chipping and putting.
Have you ever played a board game with someone who gets overly excited when the tiny plastic hourglass is tipped over? I was playing Taboo with my family this weekend. I know, what 22-year-old still has family game night? My relatives were over and the choice was games or drinking. When it was my mom's turn, she would turn into an 80 year old at a McDonald's drive thru. "Ready, go. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT YOU USE TO..." It was very comical.
I have shaved 10 points off my golf score from last year. Which means I have gone from embarassing to "just say you're a casual golfer". I am proud of my first and second shots. I need to improve on my chipping and putting.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Sad Fact
Mike's blog profile has been viewed 176 times. Kevin's has been viewed 81 times. Mine has been viewed 8 times. At least 4 of those times were probably me. That puts a good ole dagger in the confidence balloon. Aw, screw it. I don't care if random strangers look at my profile.
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