
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Bless This

While driving today, I was cut off by a Subaru with a Jesus fish and a "Love is the Answer" bumpersticker. Apparently the guy was borrowing his wife's crappy "Love-mobile". What is the world coming to when even the lambs of God have road rage.

Have you ever played a board game with someone who gets overly excited when the tiny plastic hourglass is tipped over? I was playing Taboo with my family this weekend. I know, what 22-year-old still has family game night? My relatives were over and the choice was games or drinking. When it was my mom's turn, she would turn into an 80 year old at a McDonald's drive thru. "Ready, go. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT YOU USE TO..." It was very comical.

I have shaved 10 points off my golf score from last year. Which means I have gone from embarassing to "just say you're a casual golfer". I am proud of my first and second shots. I need to improve on my chipping and putting.

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