
Friday, August 19, 2005


The past 9 days have seemed like a complete blur. Outside of Sunday night, I really haven't had more than a few hours away from work. We started the homestand with a concert and ended it with another. It is a weird feeling to know the date and have no idea what day of the week it is. It was a lot of fun though. In that week, we had our manager get tossed, a player get tossed, and a cheap shot play at the plate that almost broke out into a fight. If only they could've won a few more games. I'm pretty happy with how things are turning out and it has been fun to do so many different things. We have a few promotions coming up, so I know I will be doing a lot of random tasks.

I really don't know if I could do this year after year... or even for a full season. It definitely is a different lifestyle. I think I might want to do basketball. I like the arena environment and it is half the schedule. Although nothing compares to minor league baseball promotions.

I heard a rumor today that two top MLB players have tested positive for steroids and are in the appeals process. Supposedly this will be officially announced soon. The two players are Johnny Damon (which hurts b/c he's a Red Sock) and Roger Clemens. If he really did test positive, that would be a HUGE story. I heard a debate on ESPN a few weeks ago over whether or not MLB should rename the Cy Young for Clemens.

The NHL finally inked that TV deal. I knew that a lot of networks weren't too interested in the contract, but I figured that NBC would sign on. They don't have many sports and the NHL deal has to be pretty cheap compared to other sports. The winning bidder was Comcast who is going to put at least 58 regular season games on its OLN network. They also will broadcast the playoffs and the first two games of the Stanley Cup Finals. How can you tell the networks thought the NHL was really shitty? NBC was willing to buy the rights to the Finals, but not the first two games. Now, the only thing that I can remember about the OLN network is that it carried the Tour De France in its entirety. "They're still biking... Lance is in the lead...oh! They're going uphill! Tremendous! ...still biking..." I have heard the network is trying to reposition itself as a competitor to ESPN. Gary Bettman likes the deal because OLN will focus most of their energy and attention to the NHL. But wouldn't it have been better for the league in the long run to take a cheaper deal from NBC or another reputable network that fans actually receive? I think this is another mistake from the incompetant management of the league.

I have to get the most out of this weekend... which means doing as little work as possible. I need to get a haircut, get a few groceries, clean my room, schedule my Mackinac vacation (can NOT wait), hang out with the girl, drink a beer, watch the Lions game, work out a little, play basketball, read Harry Potter, review my fantasy football strategy and schedule drafts, and kill a drifter. Haha... just kidding. I'm going to drink more than one beer.


Kevin said...

It is amazing how fast life can speed by.

Make sure you stop and smell the roses once in awhile.

(Is it funny that Adam misspelled incompetent? Yes. Yes it is.)

Adam said...

I was worried about my spelling of incompetent. I didn't want to look like an ideot.

I looked back at my list and I did pretty much everything I intended to do. Sorry Kev if your closet smells a little in the next few days. Had to hide the drifter's body for a little while.