
Friday, November 04, 2005

Midseason Review

Let's take a look at some of my College Football predictions

1) There won't be two Big Ten BCS teams this year. They are all going to beat each other up over the season. The BCS team will be Ohio State, U-M, or Iowa. I pick U-M, but they won't be headed to the National Championship game.
There is no way two Big Ten teams will make BCS bowls. The BCS team won't be any of the three. Penn State, Wisconsin, Ohio State, and U-M will finish with two conference losses. Penn State will go to the BCS bowl game since they will have beaten Wisconsin and OSU.

2) Michigan State will go 7-5. They will lose to: Notre Dame, Ohio State, Northwestern, Purdue, and Minnesota.
I was right about two of the three losses. They will beat Purdue this weekend, lose to Minnesota, and finish the season with a win over Penn State. Their 7-4 record will earn them a spot in the Music City Bowl.

3) Michigan State will beat U-M. If you think about it, MSU has a potent offense (if Drew Stanton is healthy) with multiple talents at WR and RB. U-M's defense is good, but not impossibly good. The game is at MSU, which sways it in our favor. MSU's crappy defense will hold up just enough to not lose the game.
Wrong. Stanton was healthy, but the defense was not good enough to win the game. Next.

4) The Heisman race will be between Bowling Green's Omar Jacobs, Reggie Bush, Matt Leinart, and Chris Leak. And another RB not named Adrian Peterson. That's pretty easy to say after week one.
Jacobs has been pretty quiet this year. Leak's campaign was brief. My mom could've predicted that Bush and Leinart were going to be candidates again this year. I believe Reggie Bush wins it over Leinart. Remember... he's scoring a touchdown every 8.3 times he touches the ball.

5) USC will win the National Championship again this year over Texas.
Finally, a prediction I can really stick by. Virginia Tech will lose this weekend and Alabama will lose next weekend, thereby ending any BCS controversy. If Va Tech beats Miami and runs the table, it's hard to imagine Texas holding on to their point lead.

Next time, a look back at my NFL predictions. It's not pretty.

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