
Monday, October 24, 2005

Is It 5:30 Yet?

I had one of the worst night’s sleep last night. I’m an hour into the workday, but it feels like I’m working overtime right now. I know as tired as I am, Mike has got to be 1000 times more tired. You’re insane... opening, tutoring, whatever else you’re doing today.

In my office, there’s a popular joke about getting fired since a few people have been cut for little reason. I always laugh at the jokes, but today it feels a little weird since I am probably thought to be the person to fill a gap since they think I can be bought cheap. And I might… we’ll see. Still feels weird. I really don’t want someone to get axed because they work their asses off and don’t deserve it.

Yesterday, I went to the crew team race for Stacey. I didn’t want to wake up early on my day off, but she made me breakfast in bed to butter me up. It was a little awkward at first since she was catching up with people she hadn’t seen in years. At the end, she got to race with some of the other alumni, which was surprising because I didn’t think anyone would be coordinated enough to get that done. She got to row again and it was great to see her so happy. As she told me, rowing was her life in college. When I met her, she had just finished her eligibility, so I never got to see any rowing. When she got in that boat, she was the most excited I’ve seen her in months. I am happy that I finally got to see that part of her.

I don’t have much to say about sports except:
1. Same old State... only that’s the first game the team lost (the coaches and the defense lost the other two.)
2. Even though I didn’t see the game, I bet Joey could’ve won that game too. I agree w/ Mitch Albom that we will only remember the W rather than the incomplete passes, the Browns had the ball with a chance to tie/win at the end, and that the Browns D is NOT equal to Tampa Bay, Carolina, or Baltimore.
3. My fantasy team lost, but I am now number one in both leagues.

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