
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New York Red Sox

Just seeing that title should make you sick. There's an interesting strategy going on behind those pinstripes, and I don't like it one bit. Every offseason, the Yankees buy a new team. This year, they decided to buy the 2004 World Champion Boston Red Sox. They almost got the ball rolling by snagging Pedro Martinez in the 04-05 offseason. Luckily, they didn't truly become Pedro's daddy. The first shot really happened last season when they picked up Alan Embree and Mark Bellhorn after the Red Sox dumped them. I didn't mind Bellhorn leaving because he nearly gave me heart attacks in the playoffs, but I was sad to see Embree go. I come home tonight to see Nomar, the former heart of Boston, has narrowed his selection down to four teams, including the Yankees. The rumor on the side claims Steinbrenner is in talks with Johnny Damon. I just get the feeling in all of this that they are trying to 1)create a Curse II or 2) trying to win a championship with the former champions. This isn't the first time a team has ripped off a good lineup from another (think Denver Broncos lineman) but this goes straight to the gut. Stealing your arch rival's talent. There is no way their plan would work because that team won on chemistry and character. You don't come back from a 3-0 deficit without it. How are they going to recreate that with a team that treats the game like it is working in an office. Everything is just business, including the grooming rules. Plus, everyone knows JD is like Samson and he'd hit .220 without it. All of this leaves me with one question; couldn't they have gone after David Wells instead?

That's all for me on the evil empire. Look for my bowl predictions in a few days... they should be good!


Adam said...

I know, I know. The Red Sox are TERRIBLE about buying their own team. I don't like it. I'd rather see a prospect like Hanley Ramirez grow up than see them trade for whoever. I'm mad the Yankees are buying MY team. I know the Red Sox are helping them out with it. I am just sad to see some the guys that I think of as "The Red Sox" go. When they lose Ortiz, I'll be really mad. It's ok if the Sox get Clemens because he is a former Red Sox. Wells isn't, though, so you're right about that. And I had thought that team sucked, but the line was good. Oh well, I'm probably wrong. Have fun playing against Cori in the first round of the playoffs. You can thank Stacey for that one.

Adam said...

The Dodgers took Derrek Lowe, Bill Mueller, and now they are apparently going to offer JD more than the Yankees and Sox. Looks like a lot of people want to break up the championship team.