
Monday, December 05, 2005

The Tagliabue Who Stole New Year's

Check the schedules: There will be no bowl games on New Year’s Day. Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute to look it over. When I first noticed this on Sports Illustrated’s website, I checked ESPN. Then I checked individual bowl websites. But in the end, I realized it must be true. There will be football that day, because it is a Sunday. Home to the NFL.

Tradition is big in my family, and New Year’s Day is the one day of the year when my family allows me to watch sports all day with them – and they enjoy it. I love beginning the day with the Tournament of Roses parade. That's postponed until Monday also. I love watching teams I don't care about on New Year's. College football is my favorite sport played at my favorite level. New Year's is part of a great farewell until next September. It's like binging before the spring/summer hibernation.

I understand that the NFL isn’t going to change its schedule, but how much revenue must college football be losing right now? How awesome could a day of both NFL and college football be? Games could be on Fox, ESPN, CBS, and ABC. Instead, we will be treated to the Pittsburgh Steelers putting the Lions out of their misery and about 10 meaningless games. Most playoff spots will be filled by then and I don’t think the Colts will be going for the perfect season that day. Hell, my fantasy football team will have been crowned champion by then. Ok, that was a lie. I can’t trash talk anymore... Mike, your team has a 90% chance to win. You have done a good job of picking up players just as they are getting hot and throwing them away like a used, cheap hooker when they fizzle out. Congrats. I'll get you next year. Or maybe the Lions will be an offensive juggernaut and Kevin will blow us all away for laughing at him when he selects Jason Hanson in the 4th round.

The reality is I will be sitting at work watching score updates on January 2. Most of my coworkers will probably be taking a vacation day. Happy New Year. Did you finish those TPS reports?


Adam said...

...except for Kevin, Stacey, Tyler, and Jared.

Kevin said...

{cartman_voice>}Screw you guys, I'm going home.{/cartman_voice}