
Friday, February 08, 2008

I Stink at Bleeding

Stacey got me started with donating blood last summer and it makes me feel good. Yesterday, I donated for the fourth time. Only 5% of the US population donates every year and only 30% of first time donators come back a second time. Plus someone needs blood every 3 seconds - a one pint donation can help 3 people. The one statistic I hate: 24 minutes. The length of time it took me yesterday to donate. The average is less than 10. When I was halfway through, they started another guy - it looked like he had his bag 1/2 full in 10 seconds. Guess who finished first. They couldn't get the needle into my vain properly, so they were moving it around. Guess how much fun that felt. Last night I felt really tired. I like doing something good, like donating, but I don't like discomfort.

I am very close to getting a new car. Actually I am going to lease one. I really want an Altima, but I am probably going to get the Altima's cheaper friend, the Sentra. I know I want a black car - I think they're so classy. Although any sporty car has to be red. I feel bad for totally copying off of my sister (who has a black Sentra). The plan is to get the car when my parents come to visit, which hopefully will be in March.

Did anyone else see Illinois fans riding Eric Gordon during their game vs. Indiana? I loved that they booed him EVERY time he held the ball.

I have had this song in my head for two days. I am trying to combat it by listening to this over and over again. Watch it and answer me this, how old is Alice supposed to be?

Apparently, the answer is 7 years old. I don't see it.


Mikey D said...

Out of curiousity, how the hell did you get that song stuck in your head???

I have to buy a car this summer...are you buying a new one, or used? How much do you anticipate paying do you think?

Adam said...

The last 20-30 sec. are in an XBox 360 commercial for some game. I am highly susceptible to commercials.

I am hoping to pay nothing more than $250 a month. My car is worth around $1200 blue book. I know I definitely want to lease right now. I don't know - can you lease a used car? Obviously I need to do more research.

Mikey D said...

Yeah, you can lease used cars, which is not a bad idea because you can get an almost brand new car (07, or 08 for some) cheap because the minute it's driven off the lot it's "used" and depreciation kicks in.

I did a little research this past weekend. I am just scared to make such big investments like a car. I can't even imagine the emotions I will feel when I finally buy a house.

Kevin said...

All I can think of when I hear this song is the Futurama episode where Nixon is running for president and tries to appeal to the young voters by singing this song.
