
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Breaking Points

I feel like I am a pretty flexible person. Living in Knob Hill made me realize I am not the most flexible person – Kevin is. You’re indifferent on almost everything. However, I feel like I’ve reached the breaking point on a few issues lately. Here’s the numbers on exactly what are my breaking points.

5/14/08 – The End of the Democratic Primaries – After John Edwards (the senator, not the douche who pretends he speaks to dead people) endorsed Obama, I lost faith that Hillary Clinton, my candidate of choice, no longer has a chance to win. I am still furious that the elections in Michigan and Florida didn’t count. She was most likely going to win both states. I know that she still wouldn’t have won now even if she had won those states, but you can’t ignore what kind of effect that victory could’ve had if she had won them at the time they were scheduled. I remember the Democratic race in 2004 was fairly even until Kerry won the first few states. Those first victories gave him huge leads in the next few contests and it quickly turned into a landslide. It’s not fair that the votes in two states don’t count because of something the citizens had no control over. This is why I lost interest in politics after the 2000 election.

16-25 – Giving Up on the Tigers – After the Tigers lose to the Royals 13-6 over a three game series, I no longer believe the Tigers will turn it around this season. They’re 0-6 against the Royals. Jim Leyland’s locker room speeches aren’t having the same effect that they used to. Nobody on our team can pitch. Meanwhile, the Indians are starting to realize their potential and have seized the lead of the AL Central. While the Tigers were 16-25, the Indians had gone 8-2 in their last 10 and C.C. is starting to pitch again. I realize we’re still only 6 games out and a great June could turn that all around, but I’m not convinced it is going to happen.

$3.95 – Gas is Ridiculous – I feel I was much more patient about gas prices than others. I know that with years of turmoil in the Middle East, rapid industrial expansion in China, etc. we are going to see huge increases. I know that this was necessary for changes in the market – demand for more efficient vehicles would increase. But when gas hit $3.95, I got pissed. I knew gas would reach $4/gallon this summer, but I didn’t expect it would happen this quickly. I no longer think this is a natural increase – I think the oil market and oil companies are just screwing us over now.


Mikey D said...

~Here's why I don't have a problem with the votes not being counted in Michigan: Obama wasn't even on the ballot. Had he been...well then I agree with you. I think states should be allowed to hold their primary when they want to, but geeze, let's get all the top candidates on the ballot.

~I'm trying not to lose faith in the Tigers. We're only 1/4 of the way through the year, so their is time...except we look worse than the beginning of the year. Did you see last night's highlights against Arizona and the 7th inning defensive lapses. It cost us the fucking game. I just banged my head on our coffee table over and over. Sigh.

~I'm trying to hold back the tears everytime I fill up now. The cost of living is ridiculously high in Maryland (honestly, I don't know how much longer I can put up with it. $200 electric bills? $1400 in rent?), and to top it off with wallet-breaking gas prices just makes me hate being an adult. Things were so much better just being a passenger in the backseat of my mommy's minivan.

Adam said...

I completely agree - Michigan's votes can't count because Obama took himself off the ballot. I'm saying the penalty for Michigan should've been something else. They should've been able to hold a primary with all of the candidates on the ballot that would've counted. I really don't think it's fair that the primary season lasts so long. Yes, it is good that we get to know the candidates better over a long period of time. But couldn't we hold primary day in April or May and have them campaign before then? It won't ever get changed because little states like Iowa and New Hampshire love the attention they get.

Mikey D said...

I agree whole-heartedly with you.

I hate how the primaries are so spread turns me off. It honestly makes me care less about the candidates, which is terrible, because all I really am is annoyed with the system in place.

Kevin said...

Would you guys be in favor of a national primary? I'm not so sure that it would be great, but it has got to be better than the (quoting the Daily Show) Long, Flat, Seemingly Endless Bataan Death March to the White House...

If the Tigers aren't .500 by the halfway point, then I might start doubting. But I'm still telling myself that it is too early to give up.

$4 for gas is a steep price, but there is a silver lining. It puts a lot of pressure on the auto industry to produce cars with higher MPG, and also innovate on hybrid/biodiesel/electric cars. We've known for a long time that Americans would have to change their habits. Expensive gas can motivate that change.

Mikey D said...

...which is why my next car will be a hybrid! A used hybrid with many miles on it, but a hybrid nonetheless! Thanks oil companies for forcing my hand.

If not a national primary day, have all the primaries held within a month in April or May. Plenty of time to get around to where you need to go and we aren't forced to listen to you babble for months.