
Thursday, July 17, 2008

I am a man...

I am a man of today's workforce. I live in a world of Expense Reports, Financial Reports, Customer Satisfaction Reports, and Performance Reports. I exist to pay health insurance companies; the federal, state, and city governments; 70 year olds on Social-Security; as well as the beer and cigar manufacturers that help me forget the bad days.

I have been on e-mail chains discussing which pencil sharpener works best. I have been questioned for purchasing the nicer toilet paper rather than the one that is $5 cheaper per box of 50. I have chosen sides in the DHL vs. UPS battle (Brown's got my back).

I have marked down people in an interview for dressing casually while wearing a casual Friday ensemble of baseball cap, tee-shirt and cargo shorts. I can match my ties to my emotional state while wishing I could wear them every day.

I have role played how to handle every conversation and learned how the sweetest sound an upset customer can make is "I want to speak to your manager". I know that *67 is the saving grace that keeps your cell phone number private from your customers.

I take it and run with it, get the ball rolling, attempt to make slam dunk sales, have faceoffs with the competition, and hope to be on the fast track to a promotion. I overuse FYI and ASAP.

I live for raises and bonuses, the experiences, the relief of job stability and security, the people I have the privilege of hiring and managing, and a good old fashioned "job well done".

I am a manager. Now go do what I tell you to.


Mikey D said...
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Mikey D said...

Most importantly, does the manager like being the manager?

Adam said...

See, that's why I included the last paragraph. There are some things I do enjoy about my job even though I am in one of those periods where I am overstressed. I have a lot of faith in the company - they may move really slow, but they make a lot of good changes every year. It's a good experience, I'll leave it at that.

Adam said...

I meant that to be funny, not just a rant about working by the way.

Mikey D said...

"It's a good experience, I'll leave it at that."

Good. Then your job is worthwhile, and that makes me happy to hear =).

Mikey D said...

Same time again!

And I know =).

Kevin said...

UPS is better than DHL. Good call.

I would hate to do your job, but I'm glad you enjoy it.