
Monday, April 20, 2009

The return of hockey?

I have watched at least 1 period in 5 games so far: Wings/Jackets Game 1, Rangers/Caps Game 2, Flyers/Penguins Game 3, Canucks/Blues Game 3, and Rangers/Caps Game 3. I have really enjoyed what I have seen - so much so that I am wondering if hockey is beginning to make it's comeback. The first step will require turning some of the casual hockey fans into avid fans and resparking the interest in former NHL fans. The three things that are most important to gaining attention include developing stars that fans can identify with, creating great rivalries, and improving the game action.

In terms of stars, you're probably thinking I'm referring to obvious - Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin. While they receive the most attention and probably bring more fans to away games than other teams, I think the production of local stars is more important. In Columbus, we have Rick Nash. Atlanta has Ilya Kovalchuk. While a few top stars are great for marketing purposes, fans need a local star to get behind. I feel like the coverage of the NHL is starting to bring out more of these guys.

These playoffs already have a number of games between neighbor rivals. Flyers/Penguins. Sharks/Ducks. And in my completely biased opinion, I think the Blue Jackets will become the Redwings' new rival. We play each other a lot each season, the CBJs are on their way up, and we have the whole Michigan/Ohio thing going. The Wings are the Jackets' biggest rival - we'll see if the opposite becomes true in the next few seasons.

Finally, the action I have seen so far has been fairly exciting mostly due to the post-lockout rule changes (especially the elimination of the two-line pass rule). I'm not sure if the scoring average has increased, but that doesn't matter. The "oh my god I can't believe that didn't go in" shots are just as exciting. The first period of Wings/Jackets Game 1 was very intense, probably the best period of any of the games I have seen, and the score at the end was 0-0.

By the way, don't count out the Blue Jackets! They are an inexperienced team with a young goalie. Confidence is everything to them. In my opinion, Columbus seems to be very excited to see playoff hockey for the first time. If they are able to build confidence from the fans and have a chance to score first, they could turn the series around. Keep in mind a few things: according to home ice advantange, the Blue Jackets haven't lost a game they shouldn't have won yet, the Flyers turned their series around by beating the Penguins 6-3 at home in Game 3, Steve Mason had the most shutouts this season (10), and Rick Nash can create plays better than perhaps anyone on the Redwings. HOWEVER, don't forget I am still a Redwings fan!

Most intense series: Flyers vs. Penguins - they are fighting almost the entire time. There have been some big hits and the players are getting chippy. They have one of the most heated rivalries in the game right now, as evidenced by last year's Eastern Finals.

Best Power Play: Vancouver Canucks - During the season, they were only 17th in the league in PP%. They were able to set up perfectly on each powerplay I saw and turned it into a shooting gallery. They had 1-2 guys own the space in front of the goalie and the other 3-4 cycled the puck freely until they were able to take the right shot. They ended up scoring all 3 goals in Game 3 on the powerplay

Best Passing: Detroit Redwings - I used to hate that the Redwings would always have to play finesse hockey and score pretty goals. We would get beat by tougher teams that would throw the puck at the net and jam it in. Our players now can maneuver the puck up the rink quicker than any other I've seen thanks to the two line pass rule changes. I also like seeing them create space by skating with a defender and stopping on a dime like a basketball player. Our success will hinge on whether Osgood can stay impressive and keep it together.

Most Questionable Decision: Washington Capitals - pulling Jose Theodore after Game 1. It seemed like a very risky move to pull him after 1 game in favor of a rookie. While Simeon Varlamov stopped all but 1 shot, it seems to me like it sends a message of desperation to the players. Seeing his performance in Game 2 and so far in Game 3, it looks like it may have paid off.

Best Goalie: Henrik Lundqvist - During the season, he was 4th in Wins and 11th in GAA. He looks very confident and the Rangers' success depends on their goalie more than almost any other team. The numbers would argue Luongo, but I didn't have a chance to see him make any impressive saves. His numbers for Game 3 are bad, but they aren't giving him a chance. He faced almost 30 shots through 2 periods and Sean Avery has "Sheed Syndrome" and can't stop getting penalties.

This is how I would like to see the rest of the playoffs go. Keep in mind, these are not predictions - just what I would like to see happen.

Eastern Conference
1.Boston Bruins def. 8.Montreal Canadiens
7.NY Rangers def. 2.Washington Capitals
3.NJ Devils def. 6.Carolina Hurricanes
4.Pittsburgh Penguins def. 5.Philadelphia Flyers

7.NY Rangers def. 1.Boston Bruins
This would be a great series - not just because of the Boston/New York matchup. I would love to see Sean Avery vs. Milan Lucic - both are aggressive and have occasionally thrown a cheap shot or two. I think there would a ton of great hits and fights.
4.Pittsburgh Penguins def. 3.NJ Devils
Crosby vs. Brodeur could be somewhat interesting. I don't really like the Devils nor do I like to root against them.

7.NY Rangers def. 4.Pittsburgh Penguins
I said sometime after the lockout that a NY/Detroit Stanley Cup Finals would bring a lot of attention to the game. I wouldn't mind watching a rematch from last year, but I would prefer to see someone else.

Western Conference
1.SJ Sharks def. 8.Anaheim Ducks
2.Detroit Redwings def. 7.Columbus Blue Jackets
3.Vancouver Canucks def. 6.St Louis Blues
4.Chicago Blackhawks def. 5.Calgary Flames

4.Chicago Blackhawks def. 1.SJ Sharks
I would only be rooting for Chicago because I don't want to see us having to play across the country for a second series in a row. We've had to do that in past years, and it has caught up with us. Plus, the Eastern Conference teams have an unfair advantage since they are all much closer geographically.
2.Detroit Redwings def. 3. Vancouver Canucks
Luongo is dangerous, but it appears they will lock up their first round very shortly. Could they be rusty? I hope we would lock this one up in 5 so we only have to make 1 trip to Vancouver.

2.Detroit Redwings def. 4.Chicago Blackhawks
A fitting rematch of the Winter Classic. I don't really think the Blackhawks stand a chance of seeing the Conference Finals except on TV.

Stanley Cup Finals: Wings over Rangers, just like I asked for a season or two ago. We have a villian to hate (Avery) and a matchup of two of the larger franchise bases in the sport.


Kevin said...

I'm rooting against the Blue Jackets because the Red Wings drew them in the first round.

I FUCKING HATE THE COLORADO AVALANCHE. I hate Joe Sakic. I even hate Forsberg and Roy, and they aren't even on the team anymore. I hate the Colorado Avalanche more than any other team in any other sport.

Lundqvidst has been good, but Luongo HAS to be the best goalie so far. (Although I will admit that I have only watched the Wings games. I have only seen highlights of the rest.) If you want to see Luongo make some impressive saves, watch Sportscenter's top 10. He was on there at some point in the last few days.

What I want to see happen: The Wings play either the Capital or the Penguins in the finals, and the Avalanche are demoted to the AHL.

Mikey D said...

Lundqvidst was the best goalie...up until last night. Holding the Capitals to only 3 goals on their home ice??? Come on now...that's impressive. But he sucked last night, so I guess the tip of the hat goes back to Luongo.

I don't see the CBJ/Detroit rivalry...It's Colorado, and then I put some of the old division rivals, like St. Louis and Chicago, happening before CBJ. I can picture the Wings' fans chanting "NOT OUR RIVAL!", whenever Columbus comes to town, haha.

Most questionable decision has been pulling Theodore? I hear a lot of Caps talk, and this move was late coming. Fans have been clamoring for this move for weeks. Theodore's nickname is "Jose Three-or-More". I put this under, "It's about fucking time" decisions.

Versus is really helping hockey, in my opinion. Between them, the local channels, and NBC on the weekends, I've had no problem finding a game, or the game I want to watch, for that matter. It's all about exposure, and they're starting to get it again...

Adam said...

See, I first started writing this one on Saturday or Sunday. At that point, it was easy to argue Lundqvist was the best and criticize the Caps decision for pulling Theodore because we hadn't seen game 3 yet. I tried to stick with what I originally wrote instead of revising. It was somewhat lucky that the Caps rookie has been THAT good. And game 3 was NOT Lundqvist's fault. The Rangers haven't supported him on defense - he had to face 40 shots that game and cope with 9 team penalties (including 5 from Avery, who lost his shit). Luongo, however, has definitely proven to be the best goalie so far.

Mikey D said...

All I'm saying was Theodore wasn't the most questionable move. What was, I don't know, but some Caps fans wanted before the playoffs even started.