
Monday, August 03, 2009

Boycott Everything

Things I am currently boycotting:

1. The Subway near work - a few months ago, the staff completely turned over. The new staff takes their sweet ass time while making subs and don't know how to handle transactions properly. When I go in at 2pm, I should not be 4th in line and it should never take 5 minutes to make just my sub and take my money.
2. Twitter - I still have never used it because nobody cares about the mundane details of their friends' lives and nobody should care about celebrities' mundane lives. Especially when you see this and it makes you realize athletes are even less intelligent than you thought.
3. Facebook - because it lead to the growth of Twitter. Since I closed my account a few months ago, I have not missed it one bit. People always say "it's great because it connected me with people I haven't spoken to since high school". There's probably a reason why you haven't spoken to them since then...
4. Hiring this girl - because a good job is not a right, it's earned (and I am currently interviewing people to replace my old position). I disagree that a college education is something that should be available to everyone because it devalues its worth. The end result is that you have people who achieve mediocre grades from a mediocre school who expect to have a good job before they graduate. When I entered the job market, I was out on my own. The business school hosted interviews on campus, but that was pretty much it. You have to find your own opportunities and learn to market yourself because the college isn't going to do it for you.
5. Going to North Korea or Iran - seriously? You were vacationing in Iraq and accidentally walked into Iran? You went to North Korea, probably the most controlling nation in the world, for a journalism assignment?
6. The following reality TV shows: A Real Chance at Love, Dating in the Dark, Megan Wants a Millionare, Tori & Dean, Paris Hilton is My New BFF, Kendra, NYC Prep - because I have some standards (Quick test Kevin - how many of those have you heard of before?)
7. Allowing the Tigers to give up 5+ runs per game - I should have stopped allowing them to give up so many runs before, but no longer!


Mikey D said...

Sounds like you're being a little hard on Subway. There's always going to be turnover in that industry, so you can't complain too much; you just have to accept the poor service or go elsewhere (which I'm assuming you have chosen the latter).

Ahhhh you're a tricky one my friend. You wanted me to check out that Shaq Twitter page, but oh no, I most certainly did not. You'll have to do better than that to make me visit Twitter.

And I completely agree with you about Facebook. Spot on.

That story about the girl suing is ridiculous. If you want something, work for it, period. Yes it can be frustrating, but suck it up pussy. I mean, I watch Grace right now, who's frustrated because she realizes the sales-type job she has with Enterprise is not for her, and she has two choices: bitch and moan, or do something about it. So she's decided she wants to work more on the accounting side of things, so she's back in grad school working for her Masters in accounting. Point is, she's working for something. This girl should focus some of her efforts into actually making herself someone companies would like to hire. Go earn your job. God I hate people like that.

NYC Prep...I've seen it a few times. You're right, it's bad. At the same time, it's intriguing to me. I mean, these are kids that are living alone in NYC! I had no idea that was what it was like. So in that aspect, I'm curious to see how their everyday lives work. Buttttttt all the characters are unlikable and annoying, so I've stopped watching now.

Kevin said...

I agree with just about everything on this list. I'm even boycotting the subway near my house (they are almost always out of pickles!)

I don't think I hate Facebook/Twitter as much as you guys do, I'm mostly ambivalent about the whole thing. But what irritates me is when news media (especially ESPN and CNN) read tweets on the air.

I have heard of Kendra, I haven't heard of the rest of them.