
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I can't believe it has almost been two years since I signed my car lease. I was looking back at my posts when I first got it and had a few laughs...

"I am actually more excited for Dontrell Willis than Miguel Cabrera." (Yes, I actually fucking said that).

In response to my criticism of the Atlanta Falcons cutting a ton of people on their roster:
"I love what the Falcons are doing! Get rid of all that garbage and let's build something new. Roddy White turned out to be the first decent receiver they've had in years, and if they get a Matt Ryan in the draft they'll have a Ryan/Turner/Norwood backfield. A young backfield, but it's something to build upon. I think they're taking the necessary steps." - Mike (frickin' genius)

My first reaction to the Sentra:
"So tonight I test drove my first car, the Nissan Sentra. The car handles very well - it has some revolutionary transmission so you can't feel it shift. I love the look of the Sentra - especially in black."

My next post:
"I am still really happy with my new car. That's all I have to say in this paragraph - I love it."

...and now I treat it like crap and it's covered in salt.

Anyway, I need to figure out what to get by March 1st. I don't want a new Sentra, I can't get a Scion tc because that is what Stacey drives. And I probably don't want to spend more than $20,000 (though I am looking to lease). I need suggestions!


Kevin said...

Honda Insight. Hybrid car for under 20K.

But I suppose that since GM supplies most of my Dad's company's business I should recommend something from them too.

If you're willing to splurge a little bit you could get a Camaro for under 25K.

Depending on how much you're willing to shop around you might be able to find a dealer with an overstock of earlier model Camaros that he needs to dad got a really nice deal that way for his...

Mikey D said...

Camaro's are nice, but a little impractical in my mind for what you need. In the winter during the snow I don't think that would be the preferred car of choice.

I feel like a hybrid would be great for you (city driving in Columbus and all), but I'm guessing the Insight would be too small. I'm not sure on prices, but I've heard nothing but great things about the Ford Fusion Hybrid. Probably too expensive to buy, but perhaps worth checking into about a lease.

And you want a compact, right?

Mikey D said...

And I should totally be an NFL GM.

Kevin said...

No one buys a Camaro for its practicality. But it looks cool and goes fast, so what if you can't steer it for 1/4 of the year?

Mikey D said...

Haha, true. I once saw Quail Man and James Bond driving in one...I mean, if those amazing men ride around in one, I want to ride around in one, too.

Mikey D said...

Haha, true. I once saw Quail Man and James Bond driving in one...I mean, if those amazing men ride around in one, I want to ride around in one, too.

Kevin said...

If it's good enough for Quail Man and James Bond, it's good enough for Adam.

Done and done, decision made. You're welcome Adam.