
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Giving Thanks

Thank you, Michigan State Spartans, for saving me from watching basketball all weekend by losing to Minnesota on Friday night. Your actions were generous on many levels. It allowed fans like myself more time to catch up on the Real World: DC (Will that Andrew guy ever get laid? Any why doesn't Callie get more attention from guys?) This was a prime example of "taking one for the team": their loyalty to the Big 10 lead them to give Minnesota a better shot at getting into the NCAA tournament thereby giving our conference a larger representation. Finally, they didn't want Chris Allen to feel left out. You have to follow through with the commitments you've made to your teammates, especially when it comes to including them in the victory celebration. "No man left behind," right?

Even though winning the game may have helped your chances of earning a better seed, you've been able to "turn on the switch" for the NCAA tourney. Remember last year when you, as the top seed, lost by 12 to the #5 seed Ohio State? And in 2005, you lost your first game to #7 seed Iowa! Neither of those losses prevented you from being able to make the Final Four (is what I have told myself over and over since Friday morning). And even though you watched Minnesota go on to defeat Purdue by over 20 points, that doesn't mean you would have beaten them too, right? Right?

Plus, you deserve the opportinity to take a little time off. It's been a tough season. You had difficult games against Florida, Texas, and North Carolina, all of whom were ranked in the Top 11 early in the season, and look how good those teams are now! I know you'll be successful despite your 5-5 record in the last 10 games. After all, this is the same team that made it to the National Championship game last year, except for Goran Suton who was consistently a leader on offense and defense. And having Travis Walton on the bench this year is just as good as having him on the courst last year, right?

Keep in mind, we were without Kalin Lucas for much of that time due to his foot injury. We were also without Korie Lucious for the Penn State road game due to his academic injury. And against Minnesota, we were without Chris Allen due to his teamwork injury. We also lost Durrell Summers and Derrick Nix in the second half due to their effort injuries which Tom Izzo himself diagnosed. After the game, a disappointed Nix said, “I’m mad he didn’t play me. There’s nothing I could do.” I know how left out you felt when the team was shooting 18-34 from the line. That's normally your job, Mr. 21.4%!!

So bring on Ohio, Cornell, or whichever #13 (or 12, or maybe even 11) seed the NCAA Tournament is going to throw at us first! Because at least North Carolina is in the NIT!


Adam said...

I am holding out hope that they can make a run, but their effort and dedication has been very disappointing. I do not blame Izzo for anything, I think he has managed this team as best as he can. Ultimately, I think that we didn't have enough leadership stepping up to keep the team hungry and focused. I'm not trying to be overly pessimistic, but they haven't lived up to their potential. I see us losing in the Sweet 16 or the Decent 32.

Mikey D said...

Haha, at least North Carolina is the NIT...that does make me a little happier =).

If we make it the Sweet 16 against Kansas, I'll be happy. Stringing together two wins seems to be a tall order these days, let alone three or more.