
Monday, June 21, 2010

Pump It Up

I cannot believe I am defending Kim Kardashian, particularly when it comes to a "tweet", but here it goes. After all, Kim is famous for having a big ass and a sex tape (thanks Joel McHale). I don't remember the last time we had a breast feeding argument, so it's about time.

She is facing a large amount of public scrutiny for posting a message on Twitter criticizing a woman for breast feeding without a coverup and then changing her baby's diaper on the restaurant table.

The story reminded me of a segment on "What Would You Do?" that aired a month or two ago.

The segment set up a biased scenario since the cafe manager had a very loud and immature response ("eww! put your hooters away!") I disagree that this form of indecent exposure should be permitted in the name of women's rights and "nature". I understand that a woman has to feed her child regularly and often with little notice. I am certainly not proposing that women should have to hide in a bathroom for breast feeding. (I do, however, feel that changing its diapers should absolutely be done in a restroom since it is very unsanitary and unpleasant to other diners.) There is no reason women can't use a coverup to create some semblance of privacy. It is not harmful to the baby and you can still maneuver them to make sure everything is going correctly.

So, to answer the news segment's, title - I would never directly complain directly to a woman who is breastfeeding, but it would make me uncomfortable and I would probably find a way to move to another part of the store.

If you want to read a ton of opposing opinions, visit this article.

Most of the arguments in favor of public feeding entail include "it's healthy and natural... if you don't want to see it, don't look... they need to eat..."

Well, since we should be so tolerant... regular ejaculation can be helpful for men in preventing testicular cancer. So next time I am in the mall, maybe I should whip it out in the name of keeping myself healthy and if people don't want to see it, they should look away.

***The above comments don't make me sexist because Stacey agrees - except for the part about me masturbating in the mall***


Mikey D said...

I'm okay with breast feeding in public as long as it's done discretely.

A lot of women pump their breast milk into bottles before going out to avoid such a public display. I applaude them. They understand that it's a different world now, and people are more sensitive and opinionated about stuff like this. Plus they don't have to whip out a boob in public.

But changing a baby's diaper on a restaurant table??? That has NEVER been okay. Eww. Gross. Vomit.


So how's married life??? It's gotten to the point where you need to ejaculate in malls? =)

Kevin said...

I love the disclaimer at the end.

I agree with you guys on this one. Discreet breastfeeding - OK. Diaper change on a restaurant table - not OK.