
Thursday, October 07, 2010

A Second Easily Wonderful Opinion

Trying to find Guster's new album was much more difficult than I expected.  I was sick and working from home on Tuesday, so I asked Stacey to pick it up for me.  She couldn't find it at Meijer or Target, so I ventured out before work the next day.  Since Best Buy was closed, I went to the Walmart next door (yep, I was that desperate to find it).  No luck.  When I returned to Best But after work, I looked in their "New Releases" section to no avail.  I finally found a ton of copies under "G" in the Rock/Pop aisle.  I shelled out the extra $6 for the Deluxe edition which only included the bonus songs (a decision that I am now second guessing).  I thought it was pretty crappy that they didn't even include the lyrics to the bonus songs.  I basically paid $2 a piece for them.

I have listened to the whole album once and again while I write this.  The biggest thing I miss on this album are the bongos - not a single one!!  My second observation is that they are really religious now!  Two songs about Jesus, one about Jonah, and another about Heaven?  Overall, I like most of the songs, even though I prefer their old sound.  That being said, I don't think I would like it if this was my first "Guster experience".  Here's my song-by-song thoughts with a scale of 1-5 bongos (I really do miss them!)

Architects & Engineers - 4 bongos
I like the lyrics - I mean, you have to since they mention Baltimore, right Mike?  I can see this being one of their set list mainstays for a while.  I'll see on Friday, I guess.

Do You Love Me - 3 bongos
I imagine this song being played during the opening of a romantic comedy or over the end credits.  I see a montage of goofy pictures of a couple or grainy video of them laughing and kissing.  It is very simple, upbeat and happy, but what almost ruins the song for me are the wedding chimes that play in the background.  I can see this being played during Mike's wedding - whenever that is.

On The Ocean - 5 bongos
I think this song is the most like the "old Guster sound".  There is a lot of complexity to the sound with the backup vocals, piano, guitar, etc.  I like that they have 3 layers of vocals at one point.  If I just downloaded certain songs from the album, this would have been the first.

This Could All Be Yours - 2 bongos
It could be more enjoyable live, but I feel like it's a

Stay With Me Jesus - 1 bongo
I feel like this was a rejected song from the Juno soundtrack.  I don't get the lyrics at all.  I think they were trying to be too "indie-folksongy".  It didn't sound like Guster at all. 

Bad Bad World - 4 bongos
I can understand why they chose this as one of the first songs they released.  It helped set up the "transition" between their old sound and this CD.  It's simple, but catchy.

This Is How It Feels To Have A Broken Heart - 2 bongos
Harmonica and banjo, huh?  Wasn't horrible, but I didn't particularly like it.

What You Call Love - 4 bongos
Ukelele much better.

That's No Way To Get To Heaven - 3 bongos
I didn't get a strong feeling from this song either way.  I did like the harmonies after the title.

Jesus And Mary - 1 bongo
Just bad.  I can't imagine myself listening to this one much.  Apparently I don't like songs they write about Jesus.

Hercules and Do What You Want- 3 bongos
Again, not a strong reaction either way.  I kind of feel these were "throw away" songs to fill out the album.  It doesn't feel like there was a lot of effort behind them.  Much like my critiques of the last few songs!

Well - 4 bongos
A good "change of pace".  I usually like their softer-toned songs. 

Jonah - 4 bongos
I think they should have included this on the "regular" album and have left off some of the last few.

Lost At Sea - 3 bongos
Another "throw away song" in my opinion.  Not very memorable.


Mikey D said...

Guster pretty much stopped with the bongos three albums ago. Not too surprising they weren't in this album.

I think the religious aspects of their songs comes from them being more family men now. They took four years off, all had children, kind of rededicated themselves to their faith. That said, I enjoy every one of the songs you gave "one bongo" too. I'm not a religious guy, but the content didn't turn me off.

"Stay with me Jesus" is my favorite song on the album. I love the Neil Young-twang in Ryan's voice. And the big drum at the end...just great. It's different, but a good different.

Mikey D said...

"Do You Love Me" will not be played at my wedding. No sir.

Adam said...

To be clear, I wasn't turned off by the religious content. I thought it was surprising to see so many of them have religious undertones. I didn't like the songs themselves, but it wasn't due to their lyrics.

I'll share my thoughts on the concert later.