
Wednesday, March 09, 2011


It may seem kind of weird, but there are a few colors that I see that make me happy every time I see them.
The bold red shine of my kayak reminds me of adventure.
The chipped yellow paint on my hockey stick is a secret hint of my secret childhood wish to play on U-M's hockey team.
The dirty white tape on it allows me to pretend I am a real hockey player .
The bright green frog photo at the top of my staircase is one of the last things I see before I go to bed every night.
The black sheen of Boo's coat makes her the cutest cat.
The chesnut brown of our deck is my favorite place to spend time in the summer.

.....I can't think of anything orange or blue right now that I like....


Kevin said...

Is it the color, or is it the object?

What I mean is, if you pass a car that's the exact red of your kayak, do you think of adventure, or do you think of the kayak and then adventure?

Or if you see a football player with athletic tape on his ankle, do you think of being a hockey player, or do you think of your hockey stick and then of being a hockey player?

Adam said...

The object and then the color.