
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Passing Judgment On LeBron Based On Beginner Level Hockey

Is anyone else watching the NBA Finals for the sole reason of rooting for the Heat to lose?  I should clarify - I don't care if Dwayne Wade wins.  Nor do I care if Chris Bosh, Mario Chalmers, Juwan Howard, or any of the other Heat win.  I just don't want LeBron to win.  I am not a Cleveland fan, I don't care about "The Decision", and I don't blame him for wanting to surround himself with better teammates (though I'll get back to that in a minute).  But I still don't want him to win. 
As I've mentioned before, my hockey team was very bad last season.  They went 1-12 because of inexperience.  They had a few guys that had NEVER played hockey before and much of the rest of the team was fairly new to organized hockey.  This season, we are much better because nobody is horrible and a few people have stepped their game up to lead the team.  Last season, one team went undefeated and won the championship game 5-0.  They had some skaters that could probably play two divisions higher.  If I had my choice, however, I would much rather play on my current team, where I think I am one of the better players, than ride the coattails of the best players on the championship team. 

I understand LeBron's desire to play with better teammates.  If I was on the worst team in our league (1 Goal, 39 Goals Allowed), I would not have any fun.  Assuming I was clearly their best player, our opponents would probably double-team me and I would be demoralized quickly.  I am glad that my teammates can score in tough situations.  We've had two games where we had to score a winning or tying goal in the last 30 seconds.  Exciting stuff.

Cleveland, however, was not the worst team in the league.  Being ok with "sharing the spotlight" and "spreading around the ball" is one thing.  But LeBron didn't just surround himself with better teammates.  He joined someone else's team and took a secondary role.  For someone who wanted to build a "Global Brand" for himself, I don't understand why LeBron has put winning a championship ahead of leading a team.  Superstars are supposed to take the shot when they can.  They're supposed to be the one in the huddle in the last few minutes pumping up their teammates and making everyone believe that they will pull out a victory.  I remember the coming out party LeBron held against the Pistons in the playoffs.  One of the best defensive teams in the league couldn't do ANYTHING to stop him.  You could SEE the transformation that he was making as a player in one single quarter of basketball.  Now, he looks completely comfortable passing off to Mario Chalmers rather than aggressively driving to the basket.  He is looking to Wade for guidance and calling Chris Bosh the most important player on their team. 

If the Heat do win the championship, I hope that he earns his piece of it in the last three games.  Perhaps the Mavs' criticisms will light a fire under his ass and we will see a very different LeBron in the last few games.  The only thing I would hate to see more than LeBron winning the championship is LeBron winning the championship as his team's third leading scorer.


Kevin said...

2011 playoff averages:

Lebron James:

Dwyane Wade:

Chris Bosh:

I'd say he's earning his piece. Yes, LeBron does become invisible sometimes in pressure situations, especially the 4th quarter. But he is still 1B to Wade's 1A.

LeBron isn't MJ, and I don't think he wants to be. And I'm OK with that.

Adam said...

My main focus was the past two games. If he shakes out of that for the rest of the series, then my point is moot and he earned it. If he continues, then I think I'm right.

His rebounds and assists have been underrated, though, by all of the commentators (and myself). One more basket, one more rebound, and three more assists and he had a triple double.