
Monday, August 22, 2005

Sludge Puppies

I took my car in for an oil change and they said I have way too much sludge built up and I need a $70 flush of my radiator. I thought I just got a $170 radiator flush a month ago, but apparently I am mistaken. Either way, I am sick of my car needing attention. It is like a high maintenance girlfriend. (Not referring to Stacey, love you honey!) My dad said he is going to do it when I come home next. He hasn't done it before, but apparently he is going to figure it out! Eh, as long as I don't have to pay $70 he can clean it with my comforter for all I care. No, Kevin, you can't really clean my radiator with my comforter tonight.

I woke up this morning with a fresh patch of pimples waiting for me. I'm almost 23... shouldn't I have better skin yet? It reminded me of Family Guy last night. "Slather on my bacon grease and grow me a posse!" Haha. Maybe I'll buy that ProActive stuff again. How can I resist what Jessica Simpson, P Diddy and Vanessa Williams tell me to do? "Buy ProActiv or Die, Mutha****!"

My rents got a new puppy, which blows my mind. My dad has been totally opposed to one because Kimmie puked and crapped and peed all over our carpet. Plus, seeing her die was really sad. We think she had a few strokes because she couldn't walk right. A few days before we put her to sleep, she could only hobble around for a few feet. We had to put her water bowl under her head and feed her like that. She wimpered a lot. We finally decided to put her asleep after she went into a convulsion one day and foamed at the mouth. I better stop because I know Mike is already crying. Haha... just kidding buddy. It was really sad to see her die because I knew she was in pain, but I didn't really miss her once she was gone. I just don't have much attachment to animals. I remember one of my old coworkers' friends' dog died and she sent out an e-mail to her friends. She kept talking about religion and her spirituality... which was kinda weird. She claimed God blessed them in the way their dog died because they were all around. But the dog foamed at the mouth and convulsed... is having that happen to your dog and having your 7 year old see it a blessing? I just remember thinking it was all a little weird.

Which brings me to my next big thought of the day. And it's deep. Don't know how random it is... Anyway, I have been thinking a little about my religion. Maybe a little of it is from the South Park episode from last night. (Sad that South Park and Family Guy dictate my thoughts so much today. Guess it's because I haven't watched much TV in a while.) I am officially Catholic/Christian. I do however believe homosexuality isn't a choice, gay marriage should be a legal union, death penalty is murder but abortion isn't, women should be able to be priests, and priests should be able to marry. So, I am a fairly liberal christian. I am turned off by people who "wear their religion on their sleeve" because I think God didn't want people to boast about their faith. Don't remember what part of the Bible that's in, but I remember hearing about it on Ash Wednesday a few years ago. For example, we were wristbanding anyone who was drinking on the same night as we hosted a few churches. When I asked some of the church members if they were going to be drinking, one of them rudely answered "Alcohol?! Oh, no! I'm here for Christian night. I wouldn't want any alcohol!" First, Christians can drink. Second, they aren't supposed to be rude to thy neighbors, so you're a hypocrite. Third, I don't care that you're Christian, so don't talk down to me.

I was reading the preachy website for the Christian rock band that performed here. It said drugs and money will make you feel like half a person... God will make you feel like a whole. I don't go to church and I don't really have a relationship with religion. I have strong beliefs and I am not going to compromise them. I also believe in free will and think that saying "God has a plan already written out for you" is disowning responsibility for your actions. But I do believe there is more to this world and more going on than just what I see. I just felt like lately I've been doing work and errands without thinking much of God and life. And I don't think it's good to ignore what I believe created this world and I... God. Most times I go to church, though, I feel like I am not learning anything from it. I feel like I just go "because I have to" for whatever reason and that doesn't seem worthwhile. I don't know what I want to do from here... just wanted to put some ideas out. But I'm not switching to Scientology... nice try Tom Cruise.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

"Most times I go to church, though, I feel like I am not learning anything from it. I feel like I just go "because I have to" for whatever reason and that doesn't seem worthwhile."

I feel the same way whenever I'm at church.