...and it is still about 24 hours before it is over. I am talking, of course, about the MSU/U-M game tomorrow. The game that I will probably start watching at 11:30 saturday night thanks to my sister's b-day. I cannot describe how excited I am for this game. It is pretty much the only thing on my mind today. If I were a security guard, the safe would've been robbed by now. If I worked at the Pentagon, the country would've been invaded at noon. If I were the manager of my beloved Sox, the Yankees would be opening bottles of champagne across the hall from me by the end of tonight. College football has always been my favorite sport. I used to watch every Maize and Blue game on Saturdays until I saw the green and white light (and until U-M denied me, but so what). I have always loved the MSU/U-M rivalries more than any other. I love seeing the games so much, I stopped and debated whether I should celebrate my sister's b-day or stay here and buy a $125 nosebleed ticket for the game after hearing a radio advertisement. I finally decided that my sister would never forgive me and my red blood took precedent over my Green blood. I told someone my dream date one time was to eat at IHOP (no longer my favorite restaurant) and watch MSU win a National Championship with Mandy Moore (no longer my celebrity crush). I remember sitting through MSU's miserable season a few years ago when they had all of the discipline problems. Also known around campus as the "Where there's Smoke, there's Fire" disaster. We got destroyed by the worst teams, but I still went to every game I could. The Red Sox could miss the playoffs, my fantasy team could get destroyed by Mike's (but it won't) and I would still have the best sports weekend ever if MSU beats U-M and gives them a 2-3 record. Hopefully this will reenergize a rivalry that is considered to be U-M's second most important game.
Collegefootballnews.com predicts MSU wins 31-23 and says it might not be this close if Stanton stays in the game. U-M's newspaper predicted MSU wins 34-31. I won't predict a winner or a score because I don't want to jinx anything. And I CERTAINLY won't stop watching the game if U-M is up by 50 at halftime and it looks like MSU is done... I learned from the Red Sox last year. I only wish I could be here to cheer them on with the rest of this city.

Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Our company softball team won its first game of the season yesterday. We kept getting hit after hit. I went 3-4 thanks to a few good hits and one bad catch. I probably would’ve gone 1-4 or 2-4 against a decent team. It felt really good to score 2 runs in the game. I did give up an in the park homer when I overran a fly ball in the outfield, though. My weak skills made me realize my dad didn’t play sports with me enough when I was young. It’s ok though because he never was in the best of shape and I had a habit of quitting sports when it got a little tough. My last season of baseball ended with me getting beaned 2 or 3 times in a coach’s pitch league (which really is inexcusable… how bad or drunk do you have to be to hit a kid 3 times in one game). I quit soccer when I decided that it wasn’t worth waking up early on a Saturday to run around the field and never score a goal. Sleeping in, cartoons, and doughnuts really are better than soccer, so that wasn’t a bad decision. I played floor hockey in Ann Arbor for a season, but I don’t remember why I didn’t do it longer than that. The only thing I remember about it is having fun getting penalized 3 or 4 times in one game. I quit tennis after I broke my foot. But then again I quit most of my extracurriculars my senior year. I don’t regret quitting tennis… I regret not practicing more and wasting my parents’ money on lessons. If I could go back to when I was 7, I’d take hockey lessons… except I wouldn’t be wasting my parents’ money on them. I wish I had become serious about playing hockey because I love the game. I remember a boy scout event (yeah, haha! I was a boy scout!) where we rented out an ice skating arena for a night. We played hockey until 2am and I got to put on one of my friends’ full goalie pads. I looked really short and fat. I think hockey has the best equipment of any sport because the jerseys look cool and you get big pads and a stick. I really do wish I played hockey when I was younger… not just because of the uniform. For a while I have intended on playing on a company hockey team or playing in an adult league when I get some money.
I can’t wait for the MSU game. This is why I am worried U-M will win.
1.Mike Hart will play. He is listed as questionable right now, but trust me he’ll play. The other running backs are talented, but they have had key fumbles. Mike Hart ran over 200 yards on MSU last year. The other backs won’t do that.
2.U-M has more motivation. They have to prove that they aren’t as bad as everyone is saying they are. They have fallen a lot from that #3 spot they had. MSU has motivation to keep up their success, but the end of the season is a long time away.
3.Our kicking game. We haven’t seen a lot out of the kickers and this game will probably be close. They can’t afford to miss much.
With that said, I think MSU will win and I’m making a bet with a coworker on the game. Hopefully I won’t have to end up walking around the office in a U-M sweatshirt on Monday.
I can’t wait for the MSU game. This is why I am worried U-M will win.
1.Mike Hart will play. He is listed as questionable right now, but trust me he’ll play. The other running backs are talented, but they have had key fumbles. Mike Hart ran over 200 yards on MSU last year. The other backs won’t do that.
2.U-M has more motivation. They have to prove that they aren’t as bad as everyone is saying they are. They have fallen a lot from that #3 spot they had. MSU has motivation to keep up their success, but the end of the season is a long time away.
3.Our kicking game. We haven’t seen a lot out of the kickers and this game will probably be close. They can’t afford to miss much.
With that said, I think MSU will win and I’m making a bet with a coworker on the game. Hopefully I won’t have to end up walking around the office in a U-M sweatshirt on Monday.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Back in the Everyday Life
I was disappointed that MSU gave up the 21 point lead to let Notre Dame back into the game because it reminds me of last year’s losses to U-M and Ohio State. BUT, Mike was completely right… a win is a win and we still beat ND. The true test of whether this team is different will be on Saturday at Illinois. State too often follows a big win with a poor performance (Last year they followed up their blow out Wisconsin win by not contending against a bad Penn State team). I really hope they can beat Illinois, because this game means more than the ND game. We most likely will lose a few games this season, so they have to take care of business against teams they should beat.
I had a ton of fun with Stacey in Mackinac. We did everything there is to do… even with a half day of rain. I have so much fun hanging out with her and we are completely comfortable with each other. I wish we were still there… especially after work this morning. Stacey said we should just stay and I said that would be fine until VISA calls me and tells me I have no money or credit. I had my card swiped more times than a blind guy walking down a back alley in Detroit. I wrote “See ID” on the back of my credit card… mostly because that’s what my mom does and I always listen to my mommy (ha!)
Most people asked me to see it this weekend… I’d say about 95%. I get a little annoyed when people don’t check it, because that is a little added security measure for me. Then I remembered when I was at Rockets, I never checked a single signature. I’m such a hypocrite… and I LOVE IT! It works especially well with my weak memory to make me always right.
I’m copying Mike who was copying Cori who probably copied someone else’s blog, but it’s fun, so here we go…
I am not: good with memory
I hurt: internally way more than externally
I love: Stacey (aww…) and sports
I hate: being stubborn and partisanship
I fear: not being able to get that first job
I hope: to not take things for granted
I crave: Taco Bell… or T-Bag as everyone at work calls it
I regret: a few things, but I don’t dwell on them
I cry: when I reach my stress breaking point… I never cry during a fight
I care: too much about what people think of me
I always: breathe
I long to: always keep my priorities straight
I feel: squishy
I listen: more than I talk
I hide: that I am upset in a fight
I drive: very well… I have the “bob and weave” when I am in a hurry
I sing: badly alone… you would be surprised how much ability you lose when
you don’t practice
I dance: stiffly… I need a few beers to loosen me up
I write: a few plays
I play: MLB 2005… it boosts my Nintendo ego that is crushed by Mike & Kevin
I miss: some of my college friends… it is always good times when we go out
I search: the internet often at work
I learn: technical skills much better than facts
I know: how to improve many businesses
I say: the right things
I succeed: usually… I don’t think I’ve given myself high enough goals yet
I fail: rarely…. I wanted to purposefully get a 0% on a meaningless HS test just
for the fun of it
I dream: about random people… I rarely dream about those most important to
I sleep: terribly on an air mattress… worth it to have Stacey spend the night
I wonder: how things became the way they are
I want: to work for the Boston Red Sox or an NBA/NHL team
I worry: about losing my parents
I have: what some have described as a boring personality, but I am happy with
who I am
I give: much less often than I want to
I fight: like a lawyer… I don’t show if anything affects me
I wait: to get a great first job
I am: who I am (Isn’t that Reebok’s tagline? I definitely am a marketer)
I think: that I have more answers than many of the talking heads on TV
I can’t help the fact that: I am stubborn in admitting I am wrong
If I were a color: green
If I were an emotion: ?
If I were a state of mind: ?
If I were a sound: ocean
If I were a book: you might be able to predict what comes next
If I were a song: it definitely would NOT be an emo or punk song
cried: about a month ago
bought something: yesterday (gas)
gotten sick: months ago… I have allergies a lot more
eaten: 2 hours ago (Fruit Loops)
been kissed: 2 nights ago
felt stupid: probably a few days ago when I talked to kevin (he makes people
feel stupid, I guess)
had a serious talk: 2 nights ago
missed someone: while ago
hugged someone: 2 nights ago
what type of automobile do you drive: Grand Prix that is poorly maintained
would you rather be with friends or on a date: whichever I have a better time
do you attend church: rarely
do you like being around people: for the most part
have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: of course
have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yeah… after a breakup
have you ever lied to your best friend: yes
ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yep
rather have a relationship or a “hookup”: haven’t had a hookup
want someone you don’t have right now: no
ever liked your best girl friend: yeah
do you want to get married: yes… eventually
do you want kids: yeah, 2 or 3
what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my genuine smile, not
the fake one
are you happy with your life: yeah… most aspects
if you could change one thing, what would it be?: get a full time paid job
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes, Stacey
read the newspaper?: I read State News & LSJ online
have any gay, bisexual or lesbian friends?: all three
believe in miracles? No… but I believe human spirit can do unlikely things
believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yep
believe in God? yes
have any secrets? yes
have any piercings? no
have any tattoos? no
have a best friend? I don’t know that I have a best friend
have any bad habits? of course
care about looks? sometimes, but not Sundays... that is the day I don't give a damn
trust others easily? Not really
I had a ton of fun with Stacey in Mackinac. We did everything there is to do… even with a half day of rain. I have so much fun hanging out with her and we are completely comfortable with each other. I wish we were still there… especially after work this morning. Stacey said we should just stay and I said that would be fine until VISA calls me and tells me I have no money or credit. I had my card swiped more times than a blind guy walking down a back alley in Detroit. I wrote “See ID” on the back of my credit card… mostly because that’s what my mom does and I always listen to my mommy (ha!)
Most people asked me to see it this weekend… I’d say about 95%. I get a little annoyed when people don’t check it, because that is a little added security measure for me. Then I remembered when I was at Rockets, I never checked a single signature. I’m such a hypocrite… and I LOVE IT! It works especially well with my weak memory to make me always right.
I’m copying Mike who was copying Cori who probably copied someone else’s blog, but it’s fun, so here we go…
I am not: good with memory
I hurt: internally way more than externally
I love: Stacey (aww…) and sports
I hate: being stubborn and partisanship
I fear: not being able to get that first job
I hope: to not take things for granted
I crave: Taco Bell… or T-Bag as everyone at work calls it
I regret: a few things, but I don’t dwell on them
I cry: when I reach my stress breaking point… I never cry during a fight
I care: too much about what people think of me
I always: breathe
I long to: always keep my priorities straight
I feel: squishy
I listen: more than I talk
I hide: that I am upset in a fight
I drive: very well… I have the “bob and weave” when I am in a hurry
I sing: badly alone… you would be surprised how much ability you lose when
you don’t practice
I dance: stiffly… I need a few beers to loosen me up
I write: a few plays
I play: MLB 2005… it boosts my Nintendo ego that is crushed by Mike & Kevin
I miss: some of my college friends… it is always good times when we go out
I search: the internet often at work
I learn: technical skills much better than facts
I know: how to improve many businesses
I say: the right things
I succeed: usually… I don’t think I’ve given myself high enough goals yet
I fail: rarely…. I wanted to purposefully get a 0% on a meaningless HS test just
for the fun of it
I dream: about random people… I rarely dream about those most important to
I sleep: terribly on an air mattress… worth it to have Stacey spend the night
I wonder: how things became the way they are
I want: to work for the Boston Red Sox or an NBA/NHL team
I worry: about losing my parents
I have: what some have described as a boring personality, but I am happy with
who I am
I give: much less often than I want to
I fight: like a lawyer… I don’t show if anything affects me
I wait: to get a great first job
I am: who I am (Isn’t that Reebok’s tagline? I definitely am a marketer)
I think: that I have more answers than many of the talking heads on TV
I can’t help the fact that: I am stubborn in admitting I am wrong
If I were a color: green
If I were an emotion: ?
If I were a state of mind: ?
If I were a sound: ocean
If I were a book: you might be able to predict what comes next
If I were a song: it definitely would NOT be an emo or punk song
cried: about a month ago
bought something: yesterday (gas)
gotten sick: months ago… I have allergies a lot more
eaten: 2 hours ago (Fruit Loops)
been kissed: 2 nights ago
felt stupid: probably a few days ago when I talked to kevin (he makes people
feel stupid, I guess)
had a serious talk: 2 nights ago
missed someone: while ago
hugged someone: 2 nights ago
what type of automobile do you drive: Grand Prix that is poorly maintained
would you rather be with friends or on a date: whichever I have a better time
do you attend church: rarely
do you like being around people: for the most part
have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: of course
have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yeah… after a breakup
have you ever lied to your best friend: yes
ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yep
rather have a relationship or a “hookup”: haven’t had a hookup
want someone you don’t have right now: no
ever liked your best girl friend: yeah
do you want to get married: yes… eventually
do you want kids: yeah, 2 or 3
what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my genuine smile, not
the fake one
are you happy with your life: yeah… most aspects
if you could change one thing, what would it be?: get a full time paid job
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes, Stacey
read the newspaper?: I read State News & LSJ online
have any gay, bisexual or lesbian friends?: all three
believe in miracles? No… but I believe human spirit can do unlikely things
believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yep
believe in God? yes
have any secrets? yes
have any piercings? no
have any tattoos? no
have a best friend? I don’t know that I have a best friend
have any bad habits? of course
care about looks? sometimes, but not Sundays... that is the day I don't give a damn
trust others easily? Not really
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
This Post Needs No Title
Last weekend was the best football weekend ever. I watched so many games with Stacey and Kevin. We had fun ripping on all of the terrible commentators. Everyone talked about how badly the Big Ten did since U-M, Ohio State, and Iowa lost. But they were the ONLY Big Ten teams to lose. The Big 10* has the best record with Big 12 (which actually does have 12 teams). We still have a couple of weeks before the teams all start beating each other up. I am changing my prediction... MSU will beat ND and stop this "Charlie Weis Revival" crap and bringing my record prediction to 8-4. A little DYK (that's Did You Know for those of you who don't watch ESPN as much as I do) MSU is the number one offense in the country. ND did beat two ranked teams, but Pitt lost to Ohio in week 2 and U-M's offense is not as strong as people think. But isn't every other State fan still a little skiddish at the thought of a chance at a conference title? I remember the last time we all thought MSU would be really good. We wound up with a QB in rehab (unfortunately he wasn't rehabbing his knee) and a terrible season. I will always hope they can do it, just wouldn't put money on it.
As to the NFL, my playoff picks went 6-6 last week. Only one of me AFC picks lost and only one of my NFC picks won. Which sucks because two of the NFC teams played each other, so that was a gimme. My fantasy teams some how went 2-1. I lost because I started Culpepper and lost by one. Daunte lost me 6 points, so I would've won had I not started a QB. Ah well, long season ahead.
After some 33 posts, I finally got into an argument with someone over a blog. Funny thing is that it was over one of my first posts. Not gonna elaborate since I don't want to start another.
This new radio station popped up on 101.7, which means I won't be able to hear "Listen to Your Heart" on the half hour. It's called Mike FM (I hope it doesn't get to D's head) and I still can't figure out what kind of radio station it is... they say they play anything. For example, I've heard "We Didn't Start the Fire", U2's "Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own", and some weird 80s rap. Right now, "Purple Rain" is on. I don't remember hearing any DJs in the 8 hours that I've been listening to it. I'm thinking the "station" is a computer in some guy's basement with the shuffle on.
I found my Red Sox hat this morning when I woke up. I knew today should be a good day. Anyone else find it odd that I can't find the hat and the Sox lose and the Yankees win big? We'll see tonight if finding the hat turns things around.
Another softball game tonight. I have a hitting streak going on. Hopefully I can add to the one. Maybe finding the Red Sox cap was a good sign for the game.
I leave for vacation in 4 days. I am very excited. I'm going to Mackinac with Stacey, which means I'll be eating a lot of fudge. I'll burn it off somehow. Giggidy giggidy GIGG-I-DY. Haha... just kidding. I'm also glad that gas prices are dropping. Any chance it'll go down to $1.50 before we leave?
As to the NFL, my playoff picks went 6-6 last week. Only one of me AFC picks lost and only one of my NFC picks won. Which sucks because two of the NFC teams played each other, so that was a gimme. My fantasy teams some how went 2-1. I lost because I started Culpepper and lost by one. Daunte lost me 6 points, so I would've won had I not started a QB. Ah well, long season ahead.
After some 33 posts, I finally got into an argument with someone over a blog. Funny thing is that it was over one of my first posts. Not gonna elaborate since I don't want to start another.
This new radio station popped up on 101.7, which means I won't be able to hear "Listen to Your Heart" on the half hour. It's called Mike FM (I hope it doesn't get to D's head) and I still can't figure out what kind of radio station it is... they say they play anything. For example, I've heard "We Didn't Start the Fire", U2's "Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own", and some weird 80s rap. Right now, "Purple Rain" is on. I don't remember hearing any DJs in the 8 hours that I've been listening to it. I'm thinking the "station" is a computer in some guy's basement with the shuffle on.
I found my Red Sox hat this morning when I woke up. I knew today should be a good day. Anyone else find it odd that I can't find the hat and the Sox lose and the Yankees win big? We'll see tonight if finding the hat turns things around.
Another softball game tonight. I have a hitting streak going on. Hopefully I can add to the one. Maybe finding the Red Sox cap was a good sign for the game.
I leave for vacation in 4 days. I am very excited. I'm going to Mackinac with Stacey, which means I'll be eating a lot of fudge. I'll burn it off somehow. Giggidy giggidy GIGG-I-DY. Haha... just kidding. I'm also glad that gas prices are dropping. Any chance it'll go down to $1.50 before we leave?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
NFL Predictions
How excited is everyone for tonight? And Saturday? And Sunday? Football is back, so here are my predictions.
NFC East: Philadelphia Eagles
NFC North: Minnesota Vikings
NFC South: Carolina Panthers
NFC West: St Louis Rams
Wild Card: Atlanta Falcons, Seattle Seahawks
Close call: Detroit Lions
AFC East: New England Patriots
AFC North: Pittsburgh Steelers
AFC South: Indianapolis Colts
AFC West: San Diego Chargers
Wild Card: Kansas City Chiefs, Cincinnati Bengals
Close call: NY Jets, Baltimore Ravens
MVP: Peyton Manning
ROY: JJ Arrington (I hope, for my fantasy team's sake)
AFC Champ: Indianapolis Colts
NFC Champ: Minnesota Vikings
Superbowl Champ: Indianapolis Colts
Yes, my prediction leaves the Lions out of the playoffs. I think the most questionable NFC teams are the Seahawks and the Panthers. The Steelers and the Bengals are the sketchy AFC teams.
NFC East: Philadelphia Eagles
NFC North: Minnesota Vikings
NFC South: Carolina Panthers
NFC West: St Louis Rams
Wild Card: Atlanta Falcons, Seattle Seahawks
Close call: Detroit Lions
AFC East: New England Patriots
AFC North: Pittsburgh Steelers
AFC South: Indianapolis Colts
AFC West: San Diego Chargers
Wild Card: Kansas City Chiefs, Cincinnati Bengals
Close call: NY Jets, Baltimore Ravens
MVP: Peyton Manning
ROY: JJ Arrington (I hope, for my fantasy team's sake)
AFC Champ: Indianapolis Colts
NFC Champ: Minnesota Vikings
Superbowl Champ: Indianapolis Colts
Yes, my prediction leaves the Lions out of the playoffs. I think the most questionable NFC teams are the Seahawks and the Panthers. The Steelers and the Bengals are the sketchy AFC teams.
Monday, September 05, 2005
College Football Predictions
I am a little late in coming up with these predictions. College football kinda snuck up on me. You have no idea how weird it is to watch college football all day and then watch a baseball game at night. Complete season clash. From 11-5 it was fall and from 7-10 it was summer again. This will really piss Mike off, but I think they should move the end of baseball season. Regular season ends last week in August and the World Series is mid-late September.
Biggest fact after week one: The Big Ten is the only undefeated conference in football. (All ten teams won; Purdue hasn't played a game yet) Which leads to my first prediction:
1) There won't be two Big Ten BCS teams this year. They are all going to beat each other up over the season. The BCS team will be Ohio State, U-M, or Iowa. I pick U-M, but they won't be headed to the National Championship game.
2) Michigan State will go 7-5. They will lose to: Notre Dame, Ohio State, Northwestern, Purdue, and Minnesota. Which means...
3) Michigan State will beat U-M. If you think about it, MSU has a potent offense (if Drew Stanton is healthy) with multiple talents at WR and RB. U-M's defense is good, but not impossibly good. The game is at MSU, which sways it in our favor. MSU's crappy defense will hold up just enough to not lose the game.
4) The Heisman race will be between Bowling Green's Omar Jacobs, Reggie Bush, Matt Leinart, and Chris Leak. And another RB not named Adrian Peterson. That's pretty easy to say after week one.
5) USC will win the National Championship again this year over Texas.
Biggest fact after week one: The Big Ten is the only undefeated conference in football. (All ten teams won; Purdue hasn't played a game yet) Which leads to my first prediction:
1) There won't be two Big Ten BCS teams this year. They are all going to beat each other up over the season. The BCS team will be Ohio State, U-M, or Iowa. I pick U-M, but they won't be headed to the National Championship game.
2) Michigan State will go 7-5. They will lose to: Notre Dame, Ohio State, Northwestern, Purdue, and Minnesota. Which means...
3) Michigan State will beat U-M. If you think about it, MSU has a potent offense (if Drew Stanton is healthy) with multiple talents at WR and RB. U-M's defense is good, but not impossibly good. The game is at MSU, which sways it in our favor. MSU's crappy defense will hold up just enough to not lose the game.
4) The Heisman race will be between Bowling Green's Omar Jacobs, Reggie Bush, Matt Leinart, and Chris Leak. And another RB not named Adrian Peterson. That's pretty easy to say after week one.
5) USC will win the National Championship again this year over Texas.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Screw Football!!!!
Wait, screw football?! Could that possibly be the title of my post??? After all, didn't I just complete three fantasy football drafts this week? And aren't I keeping College Football Gameday Scoreboard on refresh while I work tomorrow? Yes, I did and yes, I am. So how does football make me so mad (yeah, I know kev... "how mad does it?") that I complain about it in a blog? When it is played by high school kids.
After a tiring day yesterday of walking around as the mascot (I did get to hug a lot of hot drunk girls, but that still doesn't make it worthwhile) all I wanted to do was sit down and watch some TV. I turn on Stacey's 5 channel wonderbox (wow, that isn't the right name for it) and there's some overweight guy talking about the Podunk vs. YouGottaPurtyMouth football game. This guy probably goes home at night and reads about the 3-4 Defense to his 5 year old after reading up on the top Pop Warner prospects. Guys who scout middleschoolers are like child molesters without "the bad touch". Still kinda creepy. Anywho, I turned the channel and saw highlights of another high school game rolling. The channel after that... you guessed it, more overweight unathletic high schoolers reaching the climax of their sad lives. Half of Stacey's channels were devoted to different high school football recap shows. AND THIS WAS ON A THURSDAY NIGHT!!! I know that my Spartans will always give fans a glimmer of hope before puking all over it on the field against Rutgers, Louisiana Tech, etc. But the HS teams in the area aren't even that good. This town is more obsessed with minors than Michael Jackson. (Could've done better with that rip, I know.) The point is, I hate HS football and I don't want to hear about it on 3 TV channels and a radio station all day long. Especially not after I've been in a sweat drenched suit that feels like wearing smelly wet towels. But there's always the drunk girls...
After a tiring day yesterday of walking around as the mascot (I did get to hug a lot of hot drunk girls, but that still doesn't make it worthwhile) all I wanted to do was sit down and watch some TV. I turn on Stacey's 5 channel wonderbox (wow, that isn't the right name for it) and there's some overweight guy talking about the Podunk vs. YouGottaPurtyMouth football game. This guy probably goes home at night and reads about the 3-4 Defense to his 5 year old after reading up on the top Pop Warner prospects. Guys who scout middleschoolers are like child molesters without "the bad touch". Still kinda creepy. Anywho, I turned the channel and saw highlights of another high school game rolling. The channel after that... you guessed it, more overweight unathletic high schoolers reaching the climax of their sad lives. Half of Stacey's channels were devoted to different high school football recap shows. AND THIS WAS ON A THURSDAY NIGHT!!! I know that my Spartans will always give fans a glimmer of hope before puking all over it on the field against Rutgers, Louisiana Tech, etc. But the HS teams in the area aren't even that good. This town is more obsessed with minors than Michael Jackson. (Could've done better with that rip, I know.) The point is, I hate HS football and I don't want to hear about it on 3 TV channels and a radio station all day long. Especially not after I've been in a sweat drenched suit that feels like wearing smelly wet towels. But there's always the drunk girls...
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