
Friday, September 02, 2005

Screw Football!!!!

Wait, screw football?! Could that possibly be the title of my post??? After all, didn't I just complete three fantasy football drafts this week? And aren't I keeping College Football Gameday Scoreboard on refresh while I work tomorrow? Yes, I did and yes, I am. So how does football make me so mad (yeah, I know kev... "how mad does it?") that I complain about it in a blog? When it is played by high school kids.

After a tiring day yesterday of walking around as the mascot (I did get to hug a lot of hot drunk girls, but that still doesn't make it worthwhile) all I wanted to do was sit down and watch some TV. I turn on Stacey's 5 channel wonderbox (wow, that isn't the right name for it) and there's some overweight guy talking about the Podunk vs. YouGottaPurtyMouth football game. This guy probably goes home at night and reads about the 3-4 Defense to his 5 year old after reading up on the top Pop Warner prospects. Guys who scout middleschoolers are like child molesters without "the bad touch". Still kinda creepy. Anywho, I turned the channel and saw highlights of another high school game rolling. The channel after that... you guessed it, more overweight unathletic high schoolers reaching the climax of their sad lives. Half of Stacey's channels were devoted to different high school football recap shows. AND THIS WAS ON A THURSDAY NIGHT!!! I know that my Spartans will always give fans a glimmer of hope before puking all over it on the field against Rutgers, Louisiana Tech, etc. But the HS teams in the area aren't even that good. This town is more obsessed with minors than Michael Jackson. (Could've done better with that rip, I know.) The point is, I hate HS football and I don't want to hear about it on 3 TV channels and a radio station all day long. Especially not after I've been in a sweat drenched suit that feels like wearing smelly wet towels. But there's always the drunk girls...

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