
Friday, September 30, 2005

Greatest Game Ever Played

...and it is still about 24 hours before it is over. I am talking, of course, about the MSU/U-M game tomorrow. The game that I will probably start watching at 11:30 saturday night thanks to my sister's b-day. I cannot describe how excited I am for this game. It is pretty much the only thing on my mind today. If I were a security guard, the safe would've been robbed by now. If I worked at the Pentagon, the country would've been invaded at noon. If I were the manager of my beloved Sox, the Yankees would be opening bottles of champagne across the hall from me by the end of tonight. College football has always been my favorite sport. I used to watch every Maize and Blue game on Saturdays until I saw the green and white light (and until U-M denied me, but so what). I have always loved the MSU/U-M rivalries more than any other. I love seeing the games so much, I stopped and debated whether I should celebrate my sister's b-day or stay here and buy a $125 nosebleed ticket for the game after hearing a radio advertisement. I finally decided that my sister would never forgive me and my red blood took precedent over my Green blood. I told someone my dream date one time was to eat at IHOP (no longer my favorite restaurant) and watch MSU win a National Championship with Mandy Moore (no longer my celebrity crush). I remember sitting through MSU's miserable season a few years ago when they had all of the discipline problems. Also known around campus as the "Where there's Smoke, there's Fire" disaster. We got destroyed by the worst teams, but I still went to every game I could. The Red Sox could miss the playoffs, my fantasy team could get destroyed by Mike's (but it won't) and I would still have the best sports weekend ever if MSU beats U-M and gives them a 2-3 record. Hopefully this will reenergize a rivalry that is considered to be U-M's second most important game. predicts MSU wins 31-23 and says it might not be this close if Stanton stays in the game. U-M's newspaper predicted MSU wins 34-31. I won't predict a winner or a score because I don't want to jinx anything. And I CERTAINLY won't stop watching the game if U-M is up by 50 at halftime and it looks like MSU is done... I learned from the Red Sox last year. I only wish I could be here to cheer them on with the rest of this city.

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