
Friday, August 31, 2007

Sports Musings

I watched ESPN's 25 hours of College Football program. It was very impressive, although they weren't broadcasting for all 25 hours. So I don't get where they came up with the idea. Here's my thoughts:
-Jesse Palmer should be hereforth announced as Jesse "the Bachelor" Palmer.
-Palmer announced that he is most excited about the Big East and all of their potential teams that could go undefeated and get into the National Championship game: Louisville, West Virginia, Rutgers, Southern Florida... Yes, he did in fact say he was excited for Southern Florida's chances at getting into the National Championship game.
-Palmer rounded out his excellent commentary by calling Michigan's coach David Carr. Yes, his career with the Texans was so bad, he decided to pack it in and coach.

The summary of my previous thoughts is Jesse Palmer is a douche.

Overall, the show was really exciting. College football is my favorite sport and I now live in one of the top 5 College Football cities. You know it's a college football town when you see Kirk Herbstreet's face planted on the side of a Vitamin Water truck. The excitement here is palpable and students don't come back for another 2 weeks. The sad thing for me is that college football team is my second least favorite team (behind Nebraska).


Mikey D said...

I wish I could enjoy it like you do, but college football is probably one of my least favorite sports.

Sure I will root for MSU and for Michigan to lose (yeaaaaaaaa App St.), but that's about it.

Everybody talks about college football being great because you can debate and argue who is the best, but I want to see it decided on the field. I want a playoff. Once college football gets a playoff, then I'll take it seriously.

Kevin said...

How about Jesse "The Douche" Palmer?

The National Championship game will not have a team from the Big East.

Why do you hate Nebraska?