
Sunday, December 09, 2007

2007 Movie Reviews

One of the thing I miss since we've moved out is rating movies. Below is a collection of my thoughts on every movie I've seen this year. In parenthesis is where each movie ranks on the current box office standings in 2007.

Thumbs Up
Knocked Up (11) - Best comedy I've seen in about 2 years. After watching the bonus features, I am convinced at least 50% of the movie was ad-libbed.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (5) - Seen it 3 times (for a total of like $9). It was my favorite movie of the franchise.

300 (7) - Everything I was hoping for, especially on iMax.

Bourne Ultimatum (6) - Best of the series. He's the best action hero in years.

Thumbs 3/4
Ratatouille (8) - Surprisingly good. Pixar really has the formula for creating movies that both kids and parents can enjoy.

Simpsons Movie (9) - Almost every review: it wasn't spectacular, but it didn't kill the franchise. I agree that it got the job done.

Superbad (15) - A more realistic American Pie. Not as good as Knocked Up, but still pretty funny.

Reign over Me (95) - Adam Sandler did a great job.

Idiocracy (limited release in 06) - A few improvements to the script, some bigger name actors, and a marketing plan and this would have easily cracked the Top 30 Box Office of 07. The concept was great.

Thumbs Middle
We Are Marshall (Released in 06) - It was a decent "football movie". McConaghey and Fox made the movie.

License to Wed (46) - Worth the $1. Robin Williams wasn't obnoxious, but his young boy partner was. Did anyone else think it would be a bad idea for a priest to have a 13 year old boy as a sidekick?

Evan Almighty (23) - It was cute, but nothing special.

Shrek the Third (2) - They should definitely stop now.

Thumbs 1/4
Blades of Glory (18) - Mediocre. Talladega Nights - Nascar jokes + gay skating jokes - some humor = Blades of Glory

Spiderman 3 (1) - It was bad. I think the actors' apathy about the series that we saw on talk shows the week it came out was very telling.

Thumbs Down
Ocean's 13 (19) - Horrible. Much of it didn't make any sense to me. Reminds me of the original Ocean's 11 - put a bunch of famous actors together and people will watch it even though they half-assed the plot.

Epic Movie (52) - Lame recycled jokes and pointless gross out humor.


Kevin said...

I have only seen 5 of these movies, but of the one's I've seen I mostly agree with your ratings.

Idiocracy is a movie that I can't rate properly. I watched it again the other day, and I can't decide if I like the movie itself, or if I just like concept behind the movie. I give this movie 5/8th of a thumbs up. (Pretty soon I'm going to need a protractor to rate a movie)

Mikey D said...

Wow, Knocked Up the best comedy in 2 years??? I thought that movie was terrible! Not only was every punchline/joke/comment so blatantly obvious, they weren't funny to me. And what was with that movie being so damn long? Watching that movie is the reason I haven't seen Superbad yet.

All that being said, I loved Blades of Glory. Perhaps we just have different tastes. Will Ferrell, just by looking at him, makes me laugh.

Adam said...

Wow. I didn't know you hated Knocked Up.

Mikey D said...

We watched it a couple weeks ago. I think we just have different tastes, that's all!