
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Two Reviews and a Statistic

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw
The commercials make it look cool - you get to do a crotch chop just like Shawn Michaels! But that is actually the only fun thing about this game. And that gets old after 2 minutes. The problem with this game is that they made every single move involve shaking the Wii remote. Wanna punch someone? Shake the remote. Wanna tie someone up in a grapple? Shake the remote. Wanna reverse a move or kick out of a pin? I think you get the point. This was a bad game to play right after I donated blood. I felt like I was going to have cardiac arrest. The story mode is horrible. You get challenges through text messages (screw you and the other t.m. addicts, Mike) and it is too difficult to beat people. I guess I wasn't shaking the remote hard enough. 2 out of 5

My Sims
I literally played this game for less than 5 minutes. My impression of the game was that it would be the Sims with your Miis. Wrong and wrong. This is a dumbed-down version of the Sims where you can rebuild a crappy city. Rebuilding involves stacking the chimney on top of the roof on top of the 2nd story on top of the first. Even though this is probably for 10 year olds, I give it a 1 out of 5

Now for the stat
16, -3, 56, 23

Those are the rushing totals for the Lions against the Minnesota Vikings over the past two seasons. That's only 92 total yards!


Mikey D said...

You just told me to screw myself, and I didn't even do anything!

Man, I feel like Kevin.

Kevin said...

I like some of the Sim games, like SimCity and SimTower, but I could never get into the Sims.

I that Vikings have a solid rush defense, and that the Lions are pass-happy, but 92 yards in four games is terrible. Is it time to think about getting rid of Martz as O-Cooridnator?

And when I get insulted, its usually because of something I did. When *ahem* certain people sneak attack me it's for absolutely no reason.