
Monday, December 10, 2007

Who U-M Should Hire

It's been almost a month since Lloyd Carr stepped down and U-M still is looking for a head coach. After being rejected by Schiano and Miles, the position has lost a lot of its luster. They can't use "it's Michigan" anymore and expect to get the top head coaches scrambling to interview. To me, there are a few people they should go after right now.

Tyrone Willingham
He played at MSU and was an Asst. Coach for MSU and CMU.
His record at Notre Dame was 21-15. Charlie Weis' is currently 22-15.
His record at Washington has been bad, but I think he's a good coach. He recruited the players that went 9-2 in Weis' first year.

Jim Herrman
Defensive Coordinator for U-M for 9 seasons, current LB coach for NY Jets.
He lead some of the best Defenses that U-M has had. This year's team was weak on D.

Ron English
Current Defensive His name has been mentioned for a number of vacancies in the past and he's already interviewed. He has the experience to take the next step.


Mikey D said...

I heard that U of M hasn't been offering much of a package to its candidates (meaning $$$). They think that people will take a below-average salary just to come coach at Michigan, and while that might have been true 20 years ago, in today's college football that doesn't make sense, when Rutgers has just as much chance to win a national title as U of M.

My problem with Willingham is his image. He's been blasted (unfairly too) by the media, and the fact that he's not doing great at U of W doesn't help matters. The moment he struggles in Ann Arbor I think people will be calling for his head and questioning the hire (and that will probably be unfairly deserved as well).

The other two coaches I wouldn't have a problem with, although I'm kind of expecting a big name coach. With each turn-down, it looks like of these lesser knowns to the country might have a shot though.

I vote for Jim Herrman. I want a strong, defensive minded coach. How OSU is now on defense I want Michigan again.

Correction: how OSU is on defense is how I want MICHIGAN STATE to be.

That's better =).

Adam said...

"...when Rutgers has just as much chance to win a national title as U of M."

Are you fucking kidding me? U-M may be down in the dumps this year, but don't forget they were 6 minutes away from the National Championship game last year. (Granted, they would have lost by just as much, if not more, than OSU did to Florida).

U-M's 08 recruiting class is rated 12th on Rutgers is 44th. (FYI, Notre Dame is 1st and MSU is 42nd).

See what you did, you made me defend how great U-M is. Thanks.

Mikey D said...

Adam, you miss my point! All I'm saying is any school, any year can win it all!

Rutgers was in the hunt last year.

Utah, Boise State, Hawaii have made BCS bowls.

South Florida, Missouri, and Kansas were at the top at one point!

Twenty years ago that would never have happened. It would be your power schools, and that's it. Nowadays, any team, any year has a chance at that title.

Does UofM have more of a shot? Yeah, of course. That's what happens when you have a great recruiting class. But the other teams still have more of a shot at the title than ever before, and that is why U of M can't offer it's coaches below-average/average salaries.