
Monday, February 11, 2008


Forbes 10 Most Miserable Cities:

1. Detroit
2. Stockton, CA
3. Flint
4. NYC
5. Philadelphia
6. Chicago
7. LA
8. Modesto, CA
9. Charlotte, NC
10. Providence, RI

I would disagree with the order. Flint is by far the worst city. I went there once. It makes its neighbor Saginaw look classy. I don't understand why being a big city makes it miserable (Philly, NYC, LA, Chicago). Sadly enough, Stacey has lived within 20 miles of 3 of the 10. I also am relieved Columbus isn't on there. Columbus really is a decent city, besides the whole Buckeye craze.


Mikey D said...

I think there are wonderful, historical, and charming parts to cities, but for the most part the majority of major cities are run-down and poverty stricken. We just don't see that side that often on postcards and TV.

Deeeeeeee-Troit Missssssssss-ery!

Kevin said...

Does it say anything that 2 of the top 3 are in Michigan?

Adam said...

Yeah, but 3 of the top 10 are in California.

Detroit's problems go hand-in-hand with Flint. The downfall of the auto industry in each of those cities has left them poverty stricken.